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There’s something I’m noticing in myself as I age and I wonder if you can relate?
I’m really getting a lot better at NOT caring about the things that aren’t worth energy… you know EGO related stuff, like“Did I just say something really stupid?” or “What did he, she, they think of me?” and equally I’m getting noticeably worse at not caring about the things I do believe are worth energy.
Respect. Gratitude. Focus. Work Ethic.
I feel like I’m becoming a little intolerant. Actually I’ve always had a tendency for intolerance so maybe I should just admit I’m getting grumpy in my middle age!
I guess I should set the scene… it’s Sunday afternoon at my local (I feel like I say that a bit!) and I’m catching up with a good mate. However really I’m hanging with him and few other guys while he hangs with his mobile.
I find it puzzling that random news from random people you haven’t made time to actually catch up with is now more compelling that actually having a conversation with the person you did make time to catch up with?
The amusing thing is when one person at the table picks up their mobile and sends that text or checks that social media account again it has a spiral on effect. Faster than you can say: “Wow, so such-and-such just eaten a really big burger!” the next person has reached for their phone and even faster than “So-and-so just posted some more pictures of their latest adventure… baby… cat… dog… exercise… food…” the whole table is head-down-fingers-swiping-mind-numbingly entrenched in their own devices.
Now I’m absolutely not fault-free when it comes to an addiction to my devices.
I guess, in true Wednesday Weigh-in style I’m sharing what I’m working on right now… what’s a little struggle-street for me and what is absolutely a weakness I’m determined to overcome. In todays show: A LOVE:HATE Relationship With Your Device.
And of course how it relates to your body gain goal. Yep, I can make anything relate to your body gain goal. 🙂
I’m going to make a prediction to. I genuinely believe that we’re going to start to crave genuine one on one, device free interactions and start to exact ourselves from our self imposed need to be electronically-connected.
To give a little structure to todays show let’s pre-frame it with the idea that: How you do something is how you do everything.
Now you may or may not agree with this statement. I don’t think it’s absolute. However I do believe there’s some truth to it. Some serious body gain goal effecting truth! Here are 3 key points that come to mind:
One: The device is the LAZY / EASY option. It’s the quick-fix.
Although really it’s the quick-UNfix.
How often have you done the quick I’ll-just-see-what’s-happening-on-Facebook/Instagram/Whatever and then 30- minutes-multiple-refreshes-and-ZERO-actual-progess later you question: What was I actually hoping to achieve?
The LAZY, EASY, QUICK UN-FIX has sucked you in. You reached for the device hoping for that little endorphin hit of a new comment-like-share-friend-follower… however really, does it make you feel genuinely great? Does it give you any tangible result? Or did you just mindlessly meander away minutes sorta like you do if you just trudge away on the treadmill or X-trainer without any sort of plan?
Personally it never makes me feel great. it’s nothing compared to how great I feel when instead of lazy, easy, quick UN-fix I actually make progress on the most important next step: whether that’s business or body related.
Attacking that number one task or powering into todays planned workout always makes me feel like I’m making progress. Like I’m using my time wisely. Like I’m in control.
Two: Prioritising the device is RUDE. It’s disrespectful.
It teaches you not to FOCUS.
This is my main beef with the device. I mean, if you and I were out for drinks… it’s a lovely arvo, we’re half way through a bottle of Shiraz and it’s going down a treat and perhaps you’re sharing something personal or funny or just communicating anything really – mid sentence – would you expect me to casually just turn away from you and start up a conversation with that dude at the next table?
I’m not the type of friend that would do that to you.
I think it’s rude. I think you deserve my full focus. Whether you’re my client in a P.T. session or my friend at the pub… I’m pretty particular with how I spend my time and if I’ve decided to spend it with you, then you have my full focus.
Does that make me the weird one???
Here’s how I see this relating to body gain. Focus is everything. Flicking from site to site, mindlessly scrolling, consuming copious information and YET NOT IMPLEMENTING this is exactly the same as a completely erratic-ineffective-program-hopping-impatient approach to eating and exercising that delivers zero results.
To achieve your body gain goal you need to commit. To focus consistently. To quit chasing the next best thing and give the approach you’ve chosen the respect it deserves and a fair chance at delivering a result.
Three: The device will rob you of those GENUINE INTERACTIONS you used to make time for.
When I was a moody-little-brat-teenager and I was feeling sad… which was often and not the least bit helped by languishing on the couch listening to the saddest The Cure songs I could find (!) what did help, was calling a friend.
Like picking up the home phone, calling a good mate and chatting. If I was grounded and not allowed to use the phone I’d write a letter! Looking back those interactions were so honest and vulnerable and heart-felt. Now something really big might happen and often I’m content to acknowledge the event with a lazy little ‘like’ or one sentence comment with a couple of kisses.
As I write this I realise this is the key point that I need to get better at. I’ve got a bit of work to do. As I said, I’m committed to it.
I know there’s a time and a place in your and my life for our amazing little devices… however I also know personally there needs to be a bit more balance.
Can YOU relate?
If so, to get actionable today, I would love for YOU to be that person. That person that doesn’t pick up their device when everyone else at the table starts to get sucked in to the head-down-fingers-swiping-mind-numbing void.That person that stops the spiral on effect at least in your own one-small-step-way.
I was that person on Sunday. And Yes, it got a little boring. So I didn’t stay too long. Which means I did give my body the great nights sleep it deserves and wake up grateful to feel fresh, focused and ready to power into my Monday.
That’s it for me today. I hope you’ll join me to finish the ‘Silence Self Sabotage‘ journey on Friday. Yes, finish – Part 9 on Friday will be the last… I thought it’s be 10 shows but we’ll get through in 9. Which is a good thing because I’d been missing planning new content like todays Wednesday weigh-in!
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