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Todays show continues on from the #303 show.
It’s part 5 in the series where I turn my signature paid product ‘Silence Self Sabotage’ which is a 6 step system to create your best body gain mindset into podcast format.
Parts 1-4 covered the first two steps where we DEFINE & ALIGN your body gain goal with your values and your beliefs.
This week shows will cover steps three and four of Silence Self Sabotage, that’s: ELIMINATE & EDUCATE.
In short: Why what you’ve being doing doesn’t work & what to do instead.
Today we’ll cover:
- 5 Crucial Criteria for Guaranteed Goal Getting.
- we’ll also, Place your goal into your future by way of Strategic Visioning.
Let’s start with some criteria to truly lock in your defined and aligned goal – with 5 Crucial Criteria for Guaranteed Goal Getting.
So, 5 Crucial Criteria for Guaranteed Goal Getting – this is from NLP – or Neural Linguistic Programming.
For those of you who this term is new to it involves the study of success and modeling the most effective strategies – specifically programming the language of the mind to get the best possible results. Anyway, more on NLP later…actually most of what we are discussing is in fact NLP but for now let’s roll out those 5 crucial criteria.
#1) You must know your outcome. We’ve touched on this already; the importance of having a clearly defined goal and for that matter I’m going to also throw in having a clearly defined evidence procedure. This may seem obvious; perhaps you’re saying “Well of course I’ll know when I’m there, because I’ll be fitting right back into my super slim day jeans that I haven’t been even able to get past my hips in 3 years and they’ll be looking smokin hot!”
It’s still an important point as what sort of a waste would it be to achieve your goal and not even stop to acknowledge yourself and celebrate the success? A good question to ask yourself is “How will I know when I have achieved this?”
Crucial criteria #2) Take action. It doesn’t matter how compelling a goal is or how brilliant a plan is – it’s merely a dream if you’re not taking action to make it happen. Ensure you do something every single day to bring you one step closer to your body gain goal.
As Tony Robbins says “Never leave the scene of a decision without first taking a specific action towards it’s realisation.” This will also allow you to quickly build up a series of reference points for success. If every day you take one positive step, regardless of how small …can you imagine how quickly you will build a list that illustrates to you the positive steps you are taking and the progress you are making?
Ok, great – so let’s make this actionable – yep, I’m jumping in early with the time of the actionable today!
Each day from today and for 90 days, make a simple promise to yourself that you can easily implement and that with consistency will form a solid foundation for the new healthier you. As I said, we are looking to build daily reference points for success so start with very achievable commitments such as drinking an extra litre of water, an alcohol-free day or a 20 minute walk. Each day make a note of your success – acknowledge it – focus on what you’re doing right and enjoy the process as you get even more of what’s working and start producing the results you do want.
At the end of 90 days you will have extensive evidence to support the fact that yes you can make this happen and you will have created many of the healthy, sustainable habits that will enable you to enjoy having the body you desire. There is a space on the action sheet that I’ll include with todays show notes for you to list the first 7 days of your 90 day diet.
To be clear it can be a new action each day or possibly the same action every day. Whatever feels doable for YOU.
The importance of these small actions should not be underestimated – especially if you have in the past failed at fat loss, or body gain as I prefer to call it. One of my absolute favourite quotes on the important of taking action is from Will Rogers“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there!” It’s so true right?
Ok, let’s check out crucial criteria #3) Have the sensory acuity to know whats working. We all know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. If you are completely honest with yourself: How often have you started with the same old approach to exercise and nutrition that has failed in the past with the hope that this time it will be different?
It does not matter how much action you are taking if it’s not bringing any results. Think of the fly that repeatedly flies into a closed window, time and time again …in this scenario greater effort will never win out over a better strategy such as checking out that door to the left and making a beeline for it instead.
Perhaps an analogy closer to home are the countless people that slog their guts out with hard cardio first thing every morning and then race straight home and gobble down a carb loaded breakie of fruit salad, yogurt and a large skinny latte. Now this is an absolutely fine strategy for the person who has a fitness goal and no desire to lose any fat, however for the person with a fat loss goal, the same amount of effort (or likely even less!) – with a slightly revised eating strategy such as a high protein and fibrous veg breakfast of eggs, spinach, mushrooms and perhaps a side of avocado is going to deliver a better result.
Back to sensory acuity – this is where it’s essential to have a regular measurement system in place to ensure you are on track. Be this a weekly weigh-in, girth measurements or perhaps my favourite – a regular snap-shot, as they say, a picture doesn’t lie and stripping off for a close friend or your trainer at a pre-determined time every couple of weeks has got to pack a fair bit of incentive to make good nutritional decisions.
On to crucial criteria #4) Have the behavioral flexibility to change what’s not working. So this one flows right on from #3 and I’d like to illustrate it with something that you already do very well. If you can think of something that you excel at – maybe something that just comes naturally – or perhaps something at which you’ve spent the time to hone your skills or build the muscle so to speak. Isn’t it true that this is an area where you are able to demonstrate extensive behavioral flexibility?
If it happens that something isn’t working or you come up against an obstacle, with this particular thing that you already do so well, do you just give up at the first hint of a problem or are you able to find another way? And if that doesn’t work, are you able to find another way again and again and again as many times as is needed to get the job done. I’m guessing in this area you demonstrate behavioural flexibility and this is definitely something to carry forward with you in your approach to body gain.
The final crucial criteria is #5) To always operate from a physiology of excellence. Tony Robbins talks about the 3 forces to taking control of your emotions; and we have already covered Focus and Language – the third is yourPhysiology. Now this may be a bit of a chicken and egg type question so far as what comes first – the unresourceful state or feeling OR the unresourceful physiology?
It really doesn’t matter which is the initiator …what is crucial are the results embracing this idea brings about as changing your physiology will change your state. Now that is a powerful thought isn’t it? Control your physiology and control your emotions.
Let’s think back to that person you recalled earlier. The one who focus’s on lack and regularly chooses negative vocabulary. As you picture, or maybe hear that person and get a feel for the negativity and disappointment they experience consistently in their life – what do you notice about their physiology?
Are they standing tall with a broad smile, shoulders back and making strong, confident yet friendly eye contact? I’ll hazard a guess not! More likely they spend a whole lot of time slumped, almost shrunk into themselves – maybe with a heavy and sluggish sort of weight about them and a general energy that really does not lead you to want to seek them out and spend time with them! These people are energy vampires – if you let them be.
Now recall the last time you felt, sad or powerless or disappointed, whatever it is for you that you truly do not want to experience anymore than is necessary…“And as you go back to that time now – recalling where you were and the sights that you saw. What you were feeling and what was the self-talk or things you were telling yourself? As you think about that time what was your body doing?
What have you noticed happens to you physically when you’re feeling that way? Are you slouching, slumped over, breathing more shallowly …have you crossed your legs or hung your head and were you aware of all that?” The alternative is to recognize when your physiology is not at the empowering and energizing standard that brings the best results – and to have the discipline to make the change.
If you can, try this now: Stand up tall, bounce around a bit, laugh or simply give a huge goofy smile – throw your head back, roll your shoulders and take some big deep breathes… and notice that it’s pretty impossible to feel anything but happy –the fact is motion creates emotion; if you go through the proper motions each day you’ll soon begin to feel the corresponding emotions.
Use this to your advantage: realize, as I exercise, I feel energized (!) and propel yourself into motion – into action before you even have the chance to question it.
Ok – now I’d love to take you through a technique to place your body gain goal in your timeline (I’ll explain the concept of timeline in a moment) – basically we’re putting your goal into your future by way of strategic visioning in such a way that it actually occurs. Here we are enlisting the help of Neural Linguistic Programming.
So this is a part of the podcast where you want to be nice and comfortable – certainly not driving – so if you are, then I recommend you come back to this section at another time. I’m not going to say this often – however right now, it is also important that you’re not out walking or exercising in any manner. I’d like you to find a comfortable space where you will not be interrupted for the next 10 minutes or so because we’re about to put your goal into your future. You may want to read over your goal one more time so you’re nice and clear as we do this.
First we need to elicit your timeline. This is simply the way that you store time and know that there is no right or wrong, however you do it is perfect for you. If I were to ask your unconscious mind where your past is and where your future is, I have an idea you might say, ‘It’s from left to right, or front to back or up and down’ – in some direction in relation to your body.
And it’s not your conscious mind I’m interested in but your unconscious…so if I were to ask your unconscious, where’s your past, to what direction would that be? And your future, what direction would that be if I asked your unconscious, where’s your future?
Excellent …So here we go – just sit back, relax, however feels most comfortable to you. You may choose to close your eyes now or in a moment and notice how as you do so perhaps your breathing is becoming slower and deeper as you take your time to really create for yourself a compelling picture of exactly how it will be when you achieve this goal.
Picture that specific time in the future when this is exactly as you would love it to be and now as you have that image in your minds eye step right into the picture so you’re looking through your own eyes, see what you see when the goal is a reality now, hear the sounds you will hear and really feel the feelings that are associated with having this goal and being right there inside of it. Right now. Notice what you say to yourself in your own mind as you think of having made this happen now, the words you say and the tone of your voice …Now as you’re inside this goal let’s build the intensity, it’s time to adjust some of the qualities of the picture …if your picture is black and white then turn up the colour – like the little knobs on an old TV set just turn up the colour and if you need to go ahead and adjust the brightness right up as well – if it’s a still picture maybe you want to add movement …if you need to adjust the speed of the movement you can speed it right up or sloow it right down …notice what works best and leave it where it’s juuust right …and notice any sounds around you that are important – if you need to turn these sounds right up or down …do what ever you need to to make this goal the most real – most compelling for you and then notice the feelings in your body, if there’s a specific location in your body where you feel that feeling, or a specific shape or intensity and now turn the feeling up in your body double the level of feeling and now triple the level of feeling in your body right now….
Very good and now go ahead and step right out of the goal – just step right out of the picture, but leave your body in it so you can see yourself in the picture …like a snap-shot of you attaining that goal. Now we are going to bring that picture to life with 4 deep breathes. And as you energise the picture we’re going to breath together …So go ahead and take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and into the picture.
That’s one, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth….and that’s two, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth….and that’s three breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth….blowing all of your life energy into that picture – everything that it needs to occur… Now it’s time to take that picture in your hands and feel that floating feeling as you gently rise up, floating up out of now and right up above your timeline – as you look down on now it seems small and insignificant and now you’re floating out into the future – all the way out into the future until you arrive directly right up above the exact time and day where you said your goal will become a reality and trust your unconscious to have you there now.
And when you’re ready just go ahead and let the picture go and see it drop down, floating down through your stream of time, floating right dooown into that exact time and place and notice it glowing with energy as it locks perfectly into place right now – into that exact place where you said it would occur. And as you watch your goal glowing with energy, ask yourself…
What do I need to learn in order to make that goal a reality now?
What am I going to do to make that goal a reality now?
What has prevented me in the past from making that goal a reality?
What am I willing to do to overcome anything that in the past prevented me?
And as these answers flow freely to you, now nod your head when you have made a commitment to yourself that you are absolutely willing to do whatever it takes to make your goal a reality so long as it is ecological. Turn around and as you look back off towards your past notice everything that had to happen in the lead up to the occurrence of that undeniable event is rapidly shifting in your stream of time to support it at the uuunconscious level. And now as you turn back around it gets even better – look off towards your compelling future and notice that the future is changing as well…it’s becoming brighter, more brilliant, more alive as everything lines up out in your stream of time out into the future of your dreams… And now, knowing that all of that is out there waiting for you, come slowly all the way right back to now, floating all the way right back down into the room and all the way back to now.
Ok, welcome back to now and a little more time of the actionable.
I’ll walk you through part of this actionable section and part of it is via this Silence Self Sabotage Action Sheet.
First up, I’m sure you remember the puppy dog from earlier, if you’re not a dog lover – just make it an obedient cat or young child (though those two could be harder to find!) …what we’re talking about is your unconscious mind that goes hunting for evidence of whatever you’re choosing to focus on. Now I’d like you to go to a blank sheet of paper for this question – the puppy dog question! – and draw a small circle down the bottom middle of that space (this represents your unconscious mind). Now fanned out in an arc around that 1st circle draw 7 more circles that represent the 7 chunks of information you are filtering in and aware of at any time.
You can also draw lines from your unconscious to each of those 7 chunks if you’d like. Now lets take at look at yesterday: What were the things that you chose to focus your energy on yesterday? The things that as such you will be attracting more into your life?
Be completely honest with yourself as you consider those 7 chunks and how you filled them yesterday and also how you consistently fill them. What are the things that you’re leaving out when your unconscious goes hunting for more evidence of those 7 for you? How were your values represented – were they represented at all?
Did health and vitality get one of your chunks and should it? Its clear to see that the most enjoyable and productive day would be one where your 7 chunks were filled with your values or activities that allowed you to experience your values …as clear as it is to see that if your focus was on what your fear your day was most likely not as productive and very likely not as enjoyable.
This exercise is a great starting point for focusing your attention and your unconscious’s attention to that which you desire – it may be 7 Goals or 7 Values. I like to align them both and have my 7 goals or main focus’s and the values they enable me to experience.
For example 1 chunk is Exercise & Nutrition and this let’s me experience 2 of my top values which are Integrity and Health… So now it’s time to complete your own diagram and bring to conscious awareness the focus you’ve been choosing on a regular basis. From there you’re still hanging out with that pup and you know he’ll work 24/7 to bring back an answer to whatever question you ask so let’s swap some questions that don’t serve you for some that will!
Ok, jump right in with the discoveries on action sheet #1 and I look forward to moving forward with your answers when you return for more of Steps 3 & 4 in show #305…
That’s it for me today. I hope you’ll join me to continue the ‘Silence Self Sabotage‘ journey on Wednesday.
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