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When I have time, I’ll do the regular meal planning and exercise that will allow me to be fit and lean and energised.
When I have the knowledge, I’ll do the daily tasks that will allow me to be most successful in my business.
When I have the energy, the money, the support, the clarity…?
These statements might sound familiar. I’ll certainly admit to making many of them. Howveer the thing is they are back to front.
In today’s show: Be, Do, Have.
It’s a paradigm I first heard of a few years ago and although I’m not sure who to credit it to, Zig Ziglar did popularise the concept.
To quote Zig: “You’ve got to be before you can do, and do before you can have.”
For todays show I’m going to make ‘Be, Do, Have’ applicable specifically to your body gain goal.
It’s common to feel held back by the HAVES you don’t yet have! To justify that’d you’d do the work if you had the time, the money, the energy, the whatever. And then you’d BE: What would YOU Be?
That last step – the goal – is actually the first step. Having’ness doesn’t produce Being’ness. Being’ness produces Having’ness. Or put another way, deciding ahead of time what you choose to BE will produce that in your experience.
It’s potentially rather brain frying to comprehend right?
I’m going to apply my ever faithful 3-step format to Be, Do, Have in an attempt to give you and me both some clarity.
Step One: First You BE.
So that may sound easier said than done however here’s how it works. Ask yourself: What would you ‘be’ if you ‘had’and then go straight to the being.
So perhaps the excuse I often hear: “If I had your body then I’d be disciplined.”
=> Ok, how about you be disciplined first and then you’ll do the actions that allow you to have the body and the health.
Or how about this one: “If I had certainty that I’d get results then I’d do the work.”
=> Again, you need to choose to be certain first. Either certain in the method you follow or better yet certain that you’ll stick with it as long as it takes and then you know what? You’ll stick with it as long as it takes and get to have the results.
In short: Whatever you are BEING you are creating.
Step Two: Now You Start DOING From This Place Of Being.
So specific to body gain some of the things to be might be:
=> BE RESPONSIBLE… and perhaps DOING means you accept that it was your choice to not prioritise enough sleep last night and now the fact that your best eating and exercising actions are a little more challenging today is your responsibility and there is no one else to blame. It also means that you learn from today and ensure a quality nights sleep tonight.
=> BE CERTAIN & CONFIDENT… and perhaps DOING means sticking with your best eating and exercising actions even when the results for your hard work are slower to appear than you’d hoped.
=> BE COMMITTED & CONSISTENT… and maybe DOING means taking your best eating and exercising actions (Yes, it’s simple – not easy!) even when it’s less convenient and you don’t feel like it and you’re extra busy-sick-disillusioned or any other reason you could roll with if you were choosing to focus on the Haves you don’t yet have rather than choosing to BE.
In short: Act AS IF and you will draw it to you.
Step three: Whatever You Want To HAVE, Give It To Another.
This step needs to be undertaken with sincerity.
The point is that the very act of giving something away causes you to experience that you have it to give away.
I know we all do this unconsciously and get to feel the benefits.
=> It’s the smile you give to someone else and the happiness and warmth you get to feel.
=> It’s focusing on someone else and their struggles… helping them feel better and most often at that point you just happen to feel better about your struggles too.
=> It’s donating to the charity that perhaps isn’t really within your budget however WOW you absolutely feel wealthier for being able to do it.
In short: Genuinely give to someone else what you are seeking to HAVE.
To make this actionable, let’s get super health specific.
Let’s go back to that earlier question AND I’m going to make it applicable to the Have – the EXCUSE – that you may not think this paradigm works for: That old chestnut… the “I Don’t Have Time” excuse.
A). Ask yourself: What would you ‘be’ if you ‘had’ the time for regular exercise and meal planning?
Focused? Committed? Confident? Consistent? Grateful? Free? Happy? Fit and Lean?
There is no right answer however there is also no answer to which you can’t…
B). Go straight to the being.
Of course you don’t need to nail every aspect of the being from the outset however absolutely you can genuinely act As Ifin some at first small way so that bit by bit you start to create what you are being.
=> perhaps you start to create focus by ensuring even 5 minutes a day that you set aside for some body weight-exercises in your lounge room before anyone else wakes up is 5 minutes focused on purely that exercise… those lovely lunges, squats or push ups.
=> maybe you start to create confidence by documenting just one thing you did well so far as your goal today.
=> if you’re finding it hard to jump straight to the being… how about considering the example you BE for your kids?
Just because you might not have your perfect fit and lean physical representation of ideal health just yet does that mean you can’t or shouldn’t embody and model the being for them to learn from?
The confident, focused, consistent state of being that allows you get doing the actions that allows you and in-turn those who you influence to have.
That’s it for me today. I hope you’ve found todays show of value. I know Be, Do, Have is a concept that I’ve needed to mull over or marinate on as a dear client would say to feel some level of understanding and appreciation for.
I’ll be back on Wednesday to weigh-in on why YOU (and I) Are Better Than This.
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