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Back in my multi-tasking days I used to be a sucker for time management tactics.
I believed if I could only manage my time better then I could “get it all done.”
I also did overwhelm fairly well.
It’s really quite easy to excel at overwhelm – you simply think of everything you need to get done with a special focus on what you can’t control.
Add in a dash of starting this task, then switching to that and now dwelling on all those you’re yet to start and it’s amazing how busy you can feel – how overwhelmed – without actually achieving anything!
Stated this way is easy to see that overwhelm is really just lazy thinking and frenzied yet indiscriminate action taking.
The alternative is to,
First admit you will never get it all done and,
Second have the focus and clarity of thought to choose what is most important – to Prioritise – and the discipline to act according to those priorities.
Today’s show – the 6th and final in the series – is your alternative to overwhelm. Overwhelm is overdone – let’s ditch it today and prioritise your way to your best body. Today: Smart Simple Fat Loss: Prioritise v. Overwhelm.
I covered part 5 in show: #264 Smart Simple Fat Loss: Most Effective Strategies.
I covered part 4 in show: #260 Smart Simple Fat Loss: Educate And Accelerate.
I covered part 3 in show: #255 Smart Simple Fat Loss: Eliminate Limiting Beliefs.
I covered part 2 in show: #250 Smart Simple Fat Loss: Align Your Goal.
and part 1 in show: #245 Smart Simple Fat Loss: Define Your Goal.
What is the goal for today’s show? To prioritise the thought process’s and actions that will make fat loss and body gain easy and sustainable.
Why? So that you can escape the clutches of overwhelm and enjoy the results you deserve for your busy’ness.
If you agree that’d be a fairly awesome outcome then we’ll get cranking with the How to:
Step 1: Focus first only on what is the #1 priority… until it is done.
Your #1 may be planning your best meals for the day or perhaps getting a 30 minute walk or work-out in first thing before your inbox, phone or social media jump in your way.
This should get the best of your time and energy. That prime-fresh-focused-Golden-time… when your discipline tank is full. Yes, you have a daily discipline quota!
For most people ‘golden time’ is first thing in the am. You will know when it is for you.
If you find yourself constantly turning to the easier option – sleeping in, reading emails, whatever – then remove as much friction from your morning routine as possible.
=> Now friction removing factors may be tangible like laying your exercise clothes out the night before. Or moving your alarm to the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off or having an omelette or smoothie mix in the fridge ready to go for a quick morning get away. Or,
=> It might be more about removing the friction in your mind. The pervasive thoughts that creep on in and undermine your best intentions… stuff like:
“Its cold and wet outside, and so cosy under the covers” or “That gym class is so hard, I feel so uncoordinated, unfit, uncomfortable – it seems so much easier for everyone else”
These thoughts set up walls designed to make it easier to give up on your #1 priority… each time you let yourself entertain such a thought that wall grows higher, tougher to climb and more likely to stop you achieving your goal. Remove the friction in your mind by immediately reframing any of these thoughts before they get to grow into a wall.
Step 2: Refine your focus to only what is within your control.
How much time and energy do you spend on things that are not within your control?
It’s an absolute waste. To turn your focus around it can help to picture your circle of influence:
=> Imagine a circle and within it are all the factors and variables within your influence.
For example:
- What time you go to bed.
- What time you get up.
- How you fuel your body.
- How you move your body.
- Who you choose to spend time with.
- How you choose to spend your time.
This is where to spend your time and energy, you will only see results for the things you can change and you know that if nothing changes, nothing changes (!) AND that that is 100% within your control.
=> Now draw a circle outside that inner circle. This will contain everything beyond your control.
- The weather.
- The financial climate.
- How other people respond to you.
- Your genetics.
There is no value spending your time and energy here. It’ll only make you feel overwhelmed and ineffective.
Step 3: Decide and commit to stick with it until finished.
Yes, it will take more than just ‘deciding’ ….positive constraints are super effective to make it happen for you consistently.
My go2constraints are:
- Planning my day to come the night before.
- Get to bed 7 hours prior to my ideal time to get up.
- Remove all non-ideal foods and trigger foods from home… its much easier to not have bread for breakie instead of an omelette when there’s no bread in the house right?
- Announce on social media when I’m due to do a session I have a history of avoiding (cardio intervals!)…nothing like a bit of accountability! Perhaps you might hire a trainer or find a training buddy.
- Set a timer for those tasks I find it tough to start or stick to… choose whatever is a super non-intimidating time for you, I like 30 minutes.
What next? The time of the actionable is what next! It’s 3-part today:
- Decide what is the one action that if performed consistently would have the most positive and life-changing effect on your health? No ‘but’s’ or ‘I can’ts’ or ‘what if’s’ …this is that one thing that if I said “from today you get to enjoy the exact results you would get if 6 months ago you committed to that one thing and you did it every day for an entire 6 months?” Ok, what is it?
- So you’ve got your one thing. Now take 10 minutes (or more!) to brainstorm what is and what isn’t within your control in relation to performing this one action. 100% responsibility here: weather is not within your control however, walking in the rain or a wet weather alternative both are.
- Once you’ve committed to your one thing, determine ‘3’ go2constraints that are going to support you in making it happen.
By the way I’d love to hear your one thing? Please make the most of the accountability right here for you in the comments below.
If you’ve enjoyed this 6-part series and want to Live and LOVE a Healthy Plant-based Lifestyle… in just ONE simple step per week I invite you to check out my Plant Positive Journal!
In this journal you will learn how to consistently prioritise food, exercise and other healthy habits that build on each other to have a compounding and lasting effect. Plus, if you are up for it – and I hope you are, I have geared these habits towards living a healthy, plant-based lifestyle.
To help you create a BODY and LIFE you LOVE by successfully managing your TIME and your MIND.
I am crazy proud of this stunning and actionable journal!
You can check it out HERE:
It makes a great gift to YOU!
Or, for the loved one who is plant-based curious or who has been a valuable vegan ally to you.
This journal follows a 12 month format however is not dated so it is perfect to use at ANY time of the year.