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You’ll have heard before that small hinges swing big doors?
This couldn’t be more true in the body gain game. However I believe equally small – what’s the antonym to hinge?? – I couldn’t find one so I’ll go with rhyme instead (!)… I believe small whinges slam shut big doors!
It’s the little daily adversities you don’t overcome that add up to big NON-results.
The seemingly insignificant things that sneakily build on themselves until you’re dealing with an outta control snowball of whinging inaction.
Todays weigh-in show: Overcoming Daily Adversity was inspired by an online mentor of mine. He has a knack for calmly staying in solution mode regardless of what gets thrown at him.
That’s one of the keys to Overcoming Daily Adversity.
I have 3 keys for you today. 3 keys to deploy when pesky little daily adversities try to muscle their way between you and your body gain goal.
Don’t let them!
Here’s what to do instead:
Key one: A Calm Solution Focused Self Certainty.
This is the belief that whatever you’re working towards you can and will make it happen. Regardless of whether it’s smooth sailing or whether daily adversity is thrown into the mix.
AND you can bet it will be.
Thinking of an alternative solution and taking a step towards making it happen builds on your self certainty and your belief in YOU.
Of course your other options are:
A). To work yourself into a frenzy and imagine all that could continue to go wrong.
To focus on the very worse case scenario. That’s not a very fun course to take though.
B). To doubt your ability in working through this adversity.
To think of past failures. To focus on how you’re “Just not that type of person” that pushes on through.
Key two: An Attitude Of 100% Personally Responsibility.
This is when you are willing to accept ownership and accountability for your results or lack there of. It’s living with zero tolerance for your own excuses.
Accepting responsibility equates to taking control…. rather than living at the mercy of everything that happens to you. It means that when daily adversity happens your response is what counts.
You always have the opportunity to make the decision that gets you moving in the right direction again.
Of course your other options are:
A). To blame anything and everything else besides you.
Once you start with the blame game you are giving away all your power. Perhaps saying the weather has control over whether you exercise or not. Really? How about you chuck on a raincoat and get to it!
B). To deny that you ever really cared that much. To tell yourself it’s not thatimportant really. It’s not worth the effort.
To roll over and let the very first little adversity in your day throw you off track in your quest to achieve your body gain goal.
Key three: A Willingness To Embrace Change.
It’s been said imagination is the creator of all our problems however it’s also the solution to all our problems. So far as daily adversity when it happens it simply means something needs to change.
You need to be ok with finding that alternate way to make it happen.
Of course your other options are:
A). To continue doing the thing that isn’t getting you the result.
The definition of insanity yet still easier said than done right? When I’m struggling with embracing change I remind myself of all the times in my life when change – though initially scary – turned out to be a really positive thing.
I know you have plenty such reminders to draw on to.
B). To stay stuck frozen with fear and completely inactive.
The thing is staying stuck doesn’t mean you get to languish in plateau… I believe plateau in body gain (and likely most things) is a myth. The reality is you’re either growing and getting better or dying… now perhaps not literally however very possibly every single day you stay stuck – frozen with fear – inactive… a little bit of your resolve to make that change, to be the person who accepts responsibility to back yourself and make it happen DIES.
Alright it’s turned onto tough love weigh-in Wednesday – you know I’m talking to me as much as to you though right?
Let’s end on a high with the action step for today.
Have you been thinking of a specific pesky little daily adversity that’s been trying to muscle it’s way between you and your body gain goal?
=> Perhaps a niggling injury interfering with your training?
=> Maybe excessive overtime that keeps getting thrown your way at work?
=> Possibly the relentless bad weather that’s playing havoc with your planned outdoor exercise?
All I need is for you to pick ONE.
The one that’s having the most detrimental impact on your ideal training and eating week AND to deploy one or all 3 keys to eradicate this daily adversity for good.
That’s it for me today.
Happy daily adversity annihilating. I’ll be back tomorrow with the Thursday Training show and my fav workout this week. I hope you can join me.
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