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Today’s show was prompted by a podcast interview I’m doing next week.
In listening to some past shows to get a feel for what questions I might be asked I found a common question was, what is the best business advice you’ve been given?
Now there’s plenty – you know succinct isn’t necessarily a strength of mine – however the subject for today’s show: Say Yes Then Work Out How, is certainly up there.
It’s absolutely applicable to your body gain goal too.
One of the things that used to really hold me back was focusing on (worrying about!) the HOW and as such not actually committing. I’m sure it’s common advice however I first heard it from Sharon Pearson of The Coaching Institute. A few years into my new Say Yes Then Work Out How attitude, it’s amazing what you can make happen.
In today’s show I’ve got 3 benefits to focusing on the YES before the HOW in relation to your body gain goal.
My caveat is that of course you want to be saying Yes to only the right things. The things that will get you the result. As I covered in the #048 show Your Not To Do List is even more important than your to do list.
I guess the qualifying question is: If the how wasn’t even a consideration, would you want the results for this action?
For example would you want the results for…
=> moving 30 minutes a day.
=> eating lean protein & fibrous veg 3 meals a day.
=> getting to bed an hour earlier and getting up an hour earlier.
Let’s power onwards with those 3 benefits:
One: Fear Diminishes.
Fear is something that holds many of us back. Very often it’s a fear of failure or a fear of the unknown.
The thing is until you say Yes… your mind doesn’t click into awesome solution finding mode. Sothose one step at a time actions that build on each other to turn the fearful-unknown into the I’m-doing-it-known never get the chance to surface.
It’s worth testing.
Think of something you were fearful of until you just decided and took that first action.As soon as you took that first step, whether that was public speaking or rocking onto the weights floor or sharing your goal with the 5 people closest to you, once you took that first step the fear started to diminish right?
Two: You Save Self Negotiation Energy.
How much energy do you waste in self negotiation? The “Do I?” “Don’t I?” that leads you down a what-if-rabbit-hole when really it can be as simple as: Do you want the results for this action?
Why waste your energy on whether you will or you won’t when you can say Yes and then move straight into how to make it happen?
There’s zero value getting caught in a procrastination loop going round in ineffective circles when the alternative is to say Yes and start making progress.
Three: Your mind starts to hunt down solutions and You Get Stuff Done.
Think of your mind as a solution hunting machine. The thing is, it’ll hunt down answers to whatever questions your ask it. It’s your choice whether you direct it off down the do I / don’t I path OR whether you let it race off tracking down those how to make it happen solutions.
Easy choice right?
When I ponder: Do I do intervals today?
My mind more easily is going to find answers like “well you’re feeling pretty tired” and “perhaps you should use that break for writing not intervals” and “you could tack in on the end oftomorrows training session.”
Conversely, when I decide Yes I’m making these intervals happen it’s simple a matter of “do I do them in my first break?” or “do I do them in my second break?”
I have a bonus fourth benefit for you.
You start to believe you are and start to become a YES person. A person who gets it done.
I remember a boss many years ago telling me the thing he hates most is having to ask twice. Now, personally I have things I hate even more than that – however it’s a good point – whether you’re asking someone else or asking YOU, you don’t want to waste energy, time and tolerancechasing something up.
Saying Yes then working out the how is an attitude to take on that will build your belief in you. To solidify the fact that you are a person who follows through.
I couldn’t find the person to attribute todays quote to, however I’ll run with it anyway, “Turn your “I can’t” into a “Hell Yes I Can.”
To get actionable today, is there something that you’ve been playing the I Can’t card with? An action or habit that you know is essential to achieving your body gain goal and you’ve been stalling because you’re not certain of the how part of the process.
That is the action I’d love you to welcome with a “Hell Yes I Can” today. It’s amazing what sort of how solutions will present themselves once you step out of fear, stop wasting self-negotiation energy and set your solution seeking mind free with a clear course of action.
That brings us to the end of todays show. I’ll be back tomorrow with the Tuesday Tucker show and: Flat Belly Foods.
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