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It’s the time of year when a lot of us are lucky enough to be traveling and each time I jump on a plane I’m reminded of a metaphor I first heard from Chris Howard:
In order to fly you must first stow away all your baggage.
We all lug it around… and it can absolutely weigh us down… And prevent us from reaching the heights we seek.
In todays weigh in show I’m going to keeping running with the metaphors as travel is chocka block with them.
When I hailed my taxi the driver first wanted to know: “Where are you going?”
Solid question… there’s no way you’d just jump in a cab and ask them to just drive, would you?
It’d be a massive waste of time and money!
Yet how often have you started a ‘health kick’ with the vague plan of eating better & moving more?
That’s not going to provide you with any specific outcome or timeframe to get there or those vital daily actions to take.
Fast-track through, bomb testing – they test me every time – I must look suspect (the gent was polite though so its all good), airport black coffee (it’s about all I’ll consume there), and cashews+protein shake (traveling with snacks is an easy way to avoid airport crap-o-la).
And we get to: The Stowing of the Luggage in the Overhead Lockers.
What baggage do you drag along with you… holding you back from your best health?
The excuses, resentment, limiting beliefs, perfectionism that you may be holding tight to?
Or perhaps there is baggage you lead with … something you push along in front of you, that is the first impression you create?
How busy, tired, un-well, broke you may be – when there is so much more to be seen and appreciated?
Next is the safety message and: The Oxygen Mask Principle.
Before you can help others you must first look after yourself.
You’re zero value to your child if you can’t breath. Obvious right?
Yet do you know someone who prioritises their families needs over their own to the point that their own health is at risk & yet they ‘don’t have time’ to get to the gym.
Or the meal skipping (then sugar hit needing) mum who would never let her young child go hungry.
Treat yourself as you would treat your child or little sister or parent.
Yes, in providing your body with nourishing food and also so far as your self talk.
If your best friend spoke to you the way you speak to yourself sometimes… Would there still be a friendship…yep, I doubt it!
As with each show my goal is to prompt more than thought – I’d like to provide you with some specific actions to take. So to get actionable today I have 4 questions for you:
One. Where are you going with your health goal right now?
The actions that will bring you the result you’re seeking are dependent on – The Result You’re Seeking!
So let’s crystal clear. What does ideal health look like to you? What does it give you or allow you to do?
Two. a) What baggage do you drag with you? If the answer doesn’t come easily then answer me this: What is preventing you from being in your best shape & ideal health right now?
(that’s your baggage – your excuses, limiting beliefs…)
Two. b) What baggage do you lead with? When someone asks you “How are you doing?” what is your most common answer?
(are you drawing attention to all that is great in your life or focused on how tired, busy etc you are?)
Three. How do you communicate with yourself. Take note of your self-talk… for 24 hours. Is it supportive, encouraging & said with love? I’m serious! If the way you speak to you is not fit for your little sister to hear then it’s time to upgrade your self talk.
For a change I’m going to finish today’s show with a quote – who knew there were so many awesome quotes about baggage!! The one I’m going with is curtesy of Eric Allenbaugh: “At every choice point in your life — pause — and bring out your best rather than your baggage.”
That’s it for me today, big thanks to you for spending this time with me and I hope you can join me tomorrow for the Thursday Training show and, 24 Weight Loss Motivation Quotes.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Travel tips to stay on track with your best health habits.
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