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Have you ever had that day where you’re feeling pretty good about the way life is looking… you know the this out-fit is looking gooood day, coupled with a great hair day and the golden trifecta: a fab make-up day??
Or perhaps your relationship, your career and your living situation are all progressing nicely and there’s a lot to be excited about… for one that long weekend in the country in just 10 days…
And then, oh let’s say you log-on to Facebook and are bombarded rapid-fire with the high-light reel of someone else’s life… actually the high-light reel of everyone else’s life!!!
=> A 2 week holiday in the Maldives here.
=> A perfect tanned, smokin bikini body while sipping cocktails there.
=> Job promotions, book deals, dream home renovations and adorable well behaved babies and puppies everywhere!!
Ok, so I could be exaggerating just a smidge however we all do it right?
In todays FAQ show: Comparing The High-light Reel Of Someone Else’s Life With Your Reality.
It’s natural. It’s human. And it’s absolutely detrimental to your body gain goal. So, here are 3 work-arounds.
First the pitfalls and then how to focus on your own high-light reel and reap the body gain benefits:
Pitfall One: Self Judgement.
This is when you take that snap-shot, the high-light reel, that FLAUNT THE BEST component of someone else’s life and you don’t even consider for a second that they might be HIDING THE REST (!) and you compare their high-lights to your reality.
=> Of course you come up lacking. However it’s not a fair fight.
Your simple solution: is to only compare you to YOU.
What’s great about the way that is it now? The progress you’ve made. The lessons you’ve learnt. The things you have to be grateful for.
There is truly zero value in judging yourself to be lacking and dwelling on it.
Sure accept the truth and if applicable use the truth as action signal to – TAKE ACTION (!) and make a change – however never be held stuck by self judgement because that becomes…
Pitfall Two: Self Handicapping.
This is when you dwell on that high-light reel for so long that you actually convince yourself it’s barely even worth trying. Why bother when the odds are stacked against you? You’ve got so much catch up you’ll never make it. Surely the only option is to give up before you even try.
=> You’ve talked your self out of success before you even give it a shot.
Your simple solution: is to shoot for an EASY WIN.
There’s no shame in starting small. Start with the sure thing win – acknowledge it – and build on it. As long as you’re always taking that next small step forward your small wins will build – they’ll COMPOUND – into results that astound you.
This couldn’t be more true than in body gain. Bit by bit your body changes until at some point your body looks, feels and performs like the bodies you wished you had. As sexy as it sounds you don’t have an extreme week or 3 of perfect eating and exercising and suddenly wake up with that body.
It’s UN-sexy simple, small, consistent habits.
Pitfall Three: Self Sabotage.
This is when you cultivate the attitude that feeds, self judgement and self handicapping. You focus on how other people have it easier, are more motivated, have better support… more time… more money.
What ever excuse you can think of – once you think of it your clever mind will begin to find evidence for you to further support that belief.
=> You’re unconsciously fueling the sabotage that will create your (high-light lacking) reality.
Your simple solution: is to consciously cultivate an attitude of positivity, self certainty and personal RESPONSIBILITY.
Catch your mind as it drifts towards negative, unsupportive thoughts. What you focus on expands and you don’t want more of that right? Just because a little negative and self sabotaging may be the way you think now does not mean it’s the way you need to think tomorrow.
It’s absolutely within your ability to change.
The funny thing is, when you get the chance to chat to the people with those ultra impressive high-light reals that can be a little daunting or envy inducing you’ll most often discover that:
A). There are absolutely a lot of Hiding The Rest type moments that probably out-number those Flaunt The Best type moments. And,
B). They’ve paid their dues and worked for their high-lights. I bet they’ve battled with self judgement, self handicapping and self sabotage at some time and in some aspect of their life… they likely still are.
And, you know what – there are people out there who think you’ve got a pretty impressive highlight reel too. If only we all knew right? How each of us struggle… and doubt… and stumble and then get back up.
To get actionable today I’d like to turn the focus on the progress you’ve made with your body gain goal in the past 12 months. Turn that spot light of self-judgement on yourself however shine it on the good stuff.
12 things that you’ve done well in the past 12 months.
Habits you’ve created. Lessons you’ve learnt. Positive mentors you’ve found and perhaps negative influences you’ve farewelled! Long term, it’s about more than just the visual transformation – it’s about what you’re doing that leads to the visual transformation, whether it has yet or not!
On that ‘Go YOU!’ note… That brings us to the end of this week in Healthification.
Huge thanks to you for your support and for sharing this week with me.
If you’ve enjoyed this show and gotten value out of it I’d super appreciate it if you pop over to iTunes and leave me a review. That’s what Amy Bonner from the US did this week.
Amy writes: Fantastic Health Podcast. I love this short, direct podcast that gives me motivation and tools for a healthy lifestyle. Well done!!
Amy you rock, thanks so very much – it really does mean a lot to me and it motivates me to continue with the daily shows!
If you liked this you’ll also like: 24 Weight Loss Motivation Quotes.
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.