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Did you have that class at school that you used to try your damn’est to get out of?
For me it was swimming. I hated it. Not only because I grew up in Wellington, NZ and we swam in an outdoor UN-heated pool and it was FREEZING… not only because I had a near drowning incident as a young child that turned me from water-baby into land-lover… the thing I dreaded most about swimming was when I eventually had to relinquish my towel to stand shivering and utterly insecure in my bathers.
And the thing I hated most about that were my flabby thighs.
In todays training show I’m covering how to: Farewell Flabby Thighs.
Although I believed for years that my thighs – and butt for that matter (!) – were just where my fat liked to hang… that it was genetic and unavoidable… the fact is, if YOU are currently subscribing to a similar believe, it really isn’t true.
Here are 3 changes I made to, Farewell my Flabby Thighs that I know can work for you too.
One: I Ditched Soy.
I actually can’t believe I was so slow on the up-take with this one.
Stress, Toxins & even TOFU in our day to day life mimic the effect of estrogen in our bodies & can lead to extra fat storage in estrogen sensitive areas. Now estrogen isn’t bad, however when estrogen levels get out of whack you can expect extra fat storage around:
The hips & thighs for ladies and the belly and man-boobs for men!
I went from 200 grams of tofu and a litre of soy milk a day… to none. It’s amazing how easy change can be when you bring your most troublesome body part into play! I’d struggled for years with upping my exercise anti and reducing the fat in my diet to frustratingly just get even scrawnier on top without ever losing the thighs.
At my leanest my face would be too skinny and still the thunder thighs would survive!
2 considerations:
=> When you ditch something you need to replace it with a better alternative. Swap tofu for organic whole eggs and extra egg whites. Swap soy milk for almond milk or coconut milk.
=> If processed food is still a part of your regular eating routine there are countless opportunities for soy to sneak it’s way into your eating – and onto your thighs – without you even going near a soy flat white or slab of marinated tofu.
For example: baked goods like breads, biscuits and cereals. Dressings, sauces, seasonings. Snack foods. Simulated meat and fish products. Frozen deserts and cooking spray
Two: I drastically increased my intake of Cruciferous Veggies.
Super veggies, otherwise known as Cruciferous veggies have the ability to balance out our estrogen levels again. Our cruciferous friends are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale AND Yes, brussel sprouts!
Again when slim thighs are on offer it’s fairly easy to find the ways to make previously boring broccoli and brussels YUM.
Although I no longer go as far as crispy brussels for afternoon tea I do make cruciferous veg a part of every main meal.
For example:
=> Try cauliflower and broccoli in your breakfast omelette or a handful of kale in your smoothie.
=> Include cabbage and actually any cruciferous veg in your salad – they all work!
=> Have a side of kale or brussels crisps with your lean protein and veg for dinner.
Here’s a link to my recipes for all these examples: Fat Loss Fuel
Three: I modelled the exercise routines of the chicks who had the thighs I wanted.
Again I was slow on this one too.
Isn’t it funny how you may want the results someone else has and then you implement just the components of what they do that fit easily – like SUPER easily into your current likes, dislikes, COMFORT ZONE – and then still expect to get 100% of their results?
Or is that just me?
When push came to shove I avoided interval training and told myself lifting more weights would make up for it.
Now nothing beats lifting weights however at some point it’s not the 6th day of weights a week that’s needed it’s that outta-breath-outta-comfort-zone-high-intensity-interval-training.
If you’re looking for specifics I cover my current H.I.I.T favs in the 079 show.
And because we are talking how to farewell flabby thighs – here’s a little Inner Thigh Love Finisher to throw in at the end of a heavy weights session or perhaps on it’s own if your travelling and equipment free:
- sumo in out jump squat 20 repetitions
- side plank leg raise 20 reps each leg (you can use a table or chair for this)
Complete as a superset alternating between the two exercises and pyramiding down by 2 repetitions each time so on round #10 you finish with 2 sumo in out jump squats and 2 plank raise each leg. With minimal rest.
If that’s easy:
A) you are a machine.
B) now pyramid back up to 20 repetitions again!
Before we get to actionable time, I should say these 3 changes are powerful however they will only work if you’ve got the TWO massive-bang-for-your-fat-burning-buck essentials locked and loaded first:
ONE. Primarily eat one ingredients foods.
TWO. Lift heavy weights.
Ok, for todays action step I’d love you to try a cruciferous veg in a new way. That’s it. Simple right?
So again your cruciferous super veg friends are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and brussel sprouts. If you discover a winning combo please let me know.
That’s it for me today, big thanks to you for spending this time with me and I hope you can join me tomorrow for the Friday FAQ show where I cover, How To Model Your Own Success.
If you liked this you’ll also like: 24/7 Fat loss, Weights Is Like A Passive Income
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