One of the decisions I made early on in my PT career was to be that happy, positive bursting-with-seemingly-limitless-energy trainer that ‘chooses my mood’.
Now this was initially because I wanted to ensure my clients had the best possible experience with me, whether it be 6am or 8pm. I felt it was my responsibility to ‘walk the talk’. As with so many things the real benefits were in fact enjoyed by – Me!
When you are lucky enough to have a career in which it really is vital to put on your game face (whether you feel like it or not!) the funny thing is you start to feel like it a whole lot more than not. You don’t get to indulge your poor-me-I-just-need-to hide-behind-my-computer-screen-and-wallow inclinations.
Instead you get to bust through those potential low energy, foul mood times.
And that, (as a naturally MOODY person) is something I’m very grateful for.
Regardless of your career of course ‘choose your mood’ is always your option.
The deceptively simple question is, “What is the more fun way to spend your day?”
To feed the negative thoughts and feelings that we all could fall prey to?
To feed the positive and focus on all there is to be incredibly grateful for?
Easy answer right?!
Here are some steps to make it actionable:
1. Have a trigger to help put you in your best possible mood at the times where it is most important or where in the past you may have struggled.
=> perhaps your fav ‘pump up’ ‘feel good’ ‘harden up’ (!) song to play before you hit the gym or arrive at work.
Some people use an accessory – like jewelry, as their trigger, a reminder of what ‘hat’ so to speak, its time to put on for a certain situation.
2. Equally it’s of value to identify any negative triggers you may already have – they are likely at an unconscious level… and find a more positive alternative to ‘switch’ to.
=> Does a certain comment (maybe from a certain person) send you into a bad mood? If so, what could you make that comment mean instead?
Is it a refection of how much they really do care about your welfare even if they’re not so great at demonstrating it effectively?
Or, is it even about YOU? …could it rather be their ‘own stuff’, insecurities and limiting beliefs playing out with you as the (misguided) target?
=> How about the weather? Does rain and wind send you into a spin, and could it rather be an opportunity to show how committed you are to your training?
=> When a client cancels or a meeting is rescheduled? Frustrating, or a chance to get a head start on some other important work or hit the gym?
3. Become aware of the people that feed your negative inclinations.
100% responsibility here… if you choose to hang around negative, judgmental people – it WILL rub off on you.
=> be conscious of who you are spending your time with. Actively seek out and be the energy giver rather than the energy vampire.
4. Make a habit of focusing on what you are grateful for.
It may be in the form of a nightly gratitude diary or simply just acknowledging the little daily things that you appreciate. (waking up in a safe and warm bed, your 1st coffee, or 1st smile with a loved one or colleague or even that ‘stranger’ you just walked past)
=> whenever you feel that ‘why me’ ‘I can’t be bothered’ mood coming on, snap yourself out of the downward spiral by asking “what are 3 things I am (or could be!) grateful for right now”
If you’re thinking some of this sounds slightly ‘manufactured’ – you’re right. It will seem that way – until, with practice, it starts to come naturally for you.
Is it worth that extra effort to choose your mood rather than live at the mercy of your emotions?
I guess that’s dependent on how highly you rate FUN?
Perhaps also whether you’re content to be controlled or rather if you feel much more attracted to being in control.
I’d love to hear your best tips to help choose your mood. Or perhaps even what is the #1 thing that absolutely pushes your mood choosing creativity, in the context of day to day life??