What about if the actions you took this week were responsible for the results you got for the rest of your life?
How often do you want the results yesterday… yet you want to take the actions tomorrow?
Me too.
And the question I ask myself – and YOU, “How is that working for you?”
Not so good for me.
And that is why I’m calling it time to inflict a little tough love… on myself and you too if you’re up for it?
It’s actually not so far fetched a proposition… this weeks actions delivering the results you get for the rest of your life.
Your current habits such as;
=> The way you allow yourself to think about your health, the language you habitually use and the emotions it feeds.
=> The time you go to bed, the quality of your sleep and the time you get up.
=> The planning and preparation you give to the food you fuel your body with.
=> The frequency, focus and intensity you apply to your exercise.
ARE 100% responsible for the current health you’re enjoying… or not enjoying.
The thing is we routinely flaunt our “tomorrow!” card when it comes to changing the habits that are getting us disappointing results.
How about doing the numbers on when ‘tomorrow’ was first going to be?
How many days, months, years ago was that?
AND it still hasn’t happened right?
The harsh reality is: an actions tomorrow approach will never deliver results.
So let’s turn TODAY into a habit.
What would be the number one most valuable thing for you to achieve today that would demonstrate – to yourself – just how important your health goal is?
Something that when you get to the end of today you’ll feel a genuine sense of satisfaction.
A reference point for success that when you build on it each day will begin to gather it’s own momentum.
What seeds are you planting TODAY for your future success?
Or are you just digging around hunting – aimlessly and hopelessly – for something that you didn’t plant?
Looking at the things you already do well, if you’re anything like me, with those things today is non-negotiable.
=> That’s why I’m a huge fan of the move 30 minutes a day approach for new exercisers. You move 30 minutes a day 6 days a week and that means today is non-negotiable unless it’s your scheduled once a week rest day. You get to avoid the “will I / won’t I?” that accompanies a 3-4 day a week routine.
When did we get so good at negotiating ourselves out of results anyway?
I remember hearing about a grandma – and this little lady was always busy… flower shows, baking for friends, charity work, crafts, church, gardening… whatever she didn’t get done today just rolled over into tomorrow. And it was ok. It worked.
She didn’t get ‘stressed out’ about how busy she was… she certainly didn’t spend 30 minutes vampire’ing another persons time to tell them how busy she was.
She just knuckled down and did. AND when she wasn’t doing she was absolutely in the moment. 100% present with whoever she happened to be with.
I really respect that. The ability to be present and focused. Whether it’s focused on a person or a task… it’s always going to be a billion times more effective than splitting your attention and never truly committing to any one thing.
The multi-tasking-smart-phone-addicted attention split is LAZY, indiscriminate thinking. It’s disrespectful. It leads you to believe you’re being busy – however, busy does not mean results.
AND it can leave you with no energy left to give to the really important tasks and the really important relationships in your life.
One of the reasons the little grandma could let todays tasks roll over into tomorrow – successfully – is she didn’t apply massive pressure to herself surrounding what it means to have gotten or not gotten them done.
One of the things I’ve noticed recently is that most of the pressure I experience in my life comes from… ME.
My mum told me recently “Katie from a very young child you always put so much pressure on yourself.” Now, I’m yet to work out exactly where that came from or what I was trying to live up to… however, if you can relate isn’t it somewhat of a relief to know that you can just ease off the self imposed pressure just a bit??
Back to what it means to get todays task done, my point is Yes there is massive value in finding a non negotiable today habit. Equally, when the day comes – as it will – that you don’t get that today habit done then ease the pressure on yourself.
Like the little grandma. Not getting it done does not have to mean anything beyond it just didn’t happen today.
There is no need to load it with high pressure meanings that make it even harder to face up to and deal with tomorrow.
How about spending that energy instead on being 100% present in whatever you are choosing to commit to today?
Ready for some Actions?
These are my top ‘WOW I wish I knew earlier!’ tips… and I’ve turned them into my F.A.T. E.L.I.M.I.N.A.T.I.O.N. standards. 14 standards that allowed me to 1/2 my body fat % and FINALLY ditch my flabby hips, thighs and butt… for good.
Just CLICK >> Fat Elimination Tool << and this Free 4 page PDF is yours (with zero opt-in).