[Transcript for the webinar held 02.01.15]
So here’s the plan, today we’re going to be talking about how to, Program your thoughts to create the fit, lean, healthy body you were born to ROCK 24/7 365 days …if you’ve hung out with me before then you’ll know that I am passionate about creating the mindset that makes achieving your ideal body as easy and simple as possible.
If you take one thing away from this post today I want it to be this “If your mind is stuck you’re wasting your time moving your body.”
This is the one difference I’ve seen in the thousands of hours I’ve spent over almost 10 years with my one on one personal training clients. It’s not the perfect eating or exercising plan that makes the difference between the person who halves their body fat % and the person who stays the same, it’s creating the MINDSET that makes your best eating and exercising choices natural and sustainable.
I get Mindset can sound a little airy fairy right?
My goal today is to make it clear and implementable with 3 simple yet non-negotiable mindset hacks…
So, here’s what this post will do for you:
=> Discover how to escape that natural, comfortable and result crushing need for Certainty.
=> Learn this previously debilitatingly shy chicks’ A, B, C approach to Backing Yourself 100%.
=> Grab my ‘Carb Cutting Cheat Sheet’ which will show you the simplest switches to get an early, motivating and belief building fast fat loss result. (If this ex-carb Queen can make the switches I know you can too!)
=> Break free of the Motivation Myth and create your own ‘Effective Motivation Strategy’ that guarantees abundant motivation to exercise, to eat great fuel… to pretty much anything!
=> Let go of the constant pressure to get it all done and master how to Overcome Overwhelm in 6 simple steps.
=> See how you can take EVERYTHING you learn today and apply it immediately to start building the body you feel most confident and congruent in (even if you’ve failed at sticking with it time and time again previously)
Also there’s no informational tease. This is going to help you whether you decide to join my community the Body Gain Lifestyle or not however I would love it if you do decide Body Gain Lifestyle is a good fit for you!
Just to emphasis again though, today you get access to 3 of my best body gain mindset hacks, just for trusting me and showing up. I respect your time so I’m absolutely going to make it worth your while.
Before we get rolling, in case you haven’t met me before here’s the super-crazy-brief run down so you know who exactly you’re hanging with today…
I’m Kate and my passion is Body Gain.
That’s what I call it because when you trade in painfully shy and insecure as I did or when you get in the best shape of your life in your 40’s or do you first chin-up at 60…. it’s about the confidence, the opportunities, the energy and the FREEDOM your new body allows you to GAIN. Not about the weight you’ve lost.
Whether I’m working one on one with my personal training clients here in stunning Sydney or online with my clients anywhere in the world everything I do is motivated by Freedom.
I didn’t realise how important Freedom was to me until I didn’t have it. It’s too easy to take for granted right?
You’ve likely heard the quote “You don’t know what you’ve got until you lose it” however beyond that I now also believe “You don’t know what you’re missing until you get it.”
5 years ago I was missing a lot.
Let’s get started…
Have you ever felt like you’re dragging yourself through your life?
Making sacrifices you resent. ‘Living‘ utterly exhausted. Joyless. Trapped in a life that bears no correlation to your expectations… You feel like all you do is work your butt off to try and change the situation but you’re making no progress?
It’s been that way for longer than you want to admit.
That was my experience of my last business. For over 2 years I stayed trapped. Although I was miserable I actually didn’t know I had other choices. I thought the only option was to just work harder. It wasn’t the least bit sustainable either.
I started isolating myself from all but my dearest – most tolerant – friends. My family were sick of hearing the same old problems… and told me so. I felt like a fraud because this wasn’t the way I’d expected it to be!
And then something changed. I’ll share the ‘4’ letter word that changes everything as we power on with todays webinar:
3 Mindset Hacks To Program Your Thoughts To Create The Fit, Lean, Healthy Body You Were Born To ROCK 24/7 365 Days.
It’s not a lack of Discipline or Time or Money stopping you from creating a body and life you love.
It’s a lack of HOPE.
When you try and fail – repeatedly – each attempt eats away a little more of your belief that it can be any different for you.
As hope diminishes so does your resolve to give it 100%.
When really that is ALL you need… The resolve to Back Yourself and to give it 100% trumps any and every quick-fix-silver-bullet-over-promising-hope-eroding-MYTH!
LET’S ROLL (!) with 3 mindset hacks to build your belief in YOU:
Hack #1. Back Yourself 100%.
Be confident you can do it. Have certainty in YOU not circumstances.
You can learn this the slow and excruciating way – as I did in that old biz. Or you can skip that frustration and use this simple A, B, C approach:
A is for APPRECIATION that although you can’t know what’s coming today, tomorrow, next week or next year (!)… although trying to seek certainty in circumstances is a losing battle you can have certainty in YOU.
Know that no matter what turns up on the day, you can deal with it. Have Certainty in You.
B is for BUILD your daily references for success. Have you noticed how easy it is to focus on what didn’t go according to plan? That carb-fest meal? The skipped walk before work? The half jar of nut butter demolished with a fork?
When equally every single day you make plenty of decisions that ARE propelling you towards your ideal health.
To build your belief in you choose one of those decisions – one reference point for success each day – acknowledge it and jot it down at the end of the day.
=> actually, I’d love you to acknowledge it right now. What is one decision you made today that is propelling you towards your ideal health? Go ahead and type it in the comments below.
C is for CREATE an early win. There’s nothing like results to build your belief that you can do it right?
Here’s the simplest way I’ve found in the body gain game.
Cut your refined carbs Monday to Friday and double your fibrous veg.
I did say simple not easy. However it does become easy. As an ex-carb queen I guarantee that.
Because I have a whole lot of experience at guzzling refined carbs 6+ meals a day I have a ‘Carb Cutting Cheat Sheet’ for you to download.
This short 2 page cheat sheet shares: the simple strategies that allowed my to 1/2 my body fat % and FINALLY ditch my flabby hips, thighs and butt… for good.
I’m going to give you a link to this cheat sheet free at the end of this post.
Make sure to implement and take action on this because you will see drastic results when you do… but I’m not going to have time to go over the other stuff that you could do here. I could chat about cutting carbs and eating better not less for the rest of the webinar – I LOVE food and it’s one of my favourite things to create content and strategies around so I do have an advanced training at the end that I’ll share with you guys, where you can get all this information and a lot more on everything we talk about so I’ll leave that to the end and lets power on with our current content right now…
Access to the best strategies is one thing right? – staying motivated to stick with them is another…
Let’s move on to mindset Hack #2… it’s time to dispel the Motivation Myth.
Hack #2. Abundant Motivation.
One of the top barriers I hear from people struggling to stick to the eating and exercising they know will let them achieve their ideal body is: a lack of motivation.
The motivation myth is that you either have it or you don’t. That if something is important enough to you, you’ll be and stay motivated.
That is rubbish. Like any quality, motivation takes work – it needs to be nurtured rather than taken for granted.
The good news is everything you do is a strategy. So right now you may be running a strategy – or unconsciously taking a series of steps – that give you the end result of ZERO-motivation! Abundant motivation is as simple as,
First: Get clear on exactly what you want, how it looks, feels AND so much more importantly what does having that body, that health, allow you to experience? What are you missing out on right now? Or perhaps what does having that body mean you no longer have to experience? What can you gratefully let go of and how will this impact your life?
WHY is taking the time to first define your goal and second pack it with emotional intensity so vital?
The fact is anything worth achieving is going to take work. Either work to achieve or work to maintain or most likely both.
You will face challenges. You’ll feel apathetic. Fearful. Frustrated.
Yes, you’ll likely be bursting with motivation and discipline initially however that will wear thin AND it will run out if you let it.
This one ‘Goal Defining’ aspect of body gain is so vital it’s part one of my 6-step system and the subject for my first monthly live webinar inside the Body Gain Lifestyle. More on that later though… the second action to create abundant motivation is,
Second: inject some daily motivation doses into your routine and
Third: make the switch to an ‘Effective Motivation Strategy’.
I have one of those for you to. I’ll run through it now and also give you the PDF download however it’s important to grab the components that naturally resonate with you and then over time refine it to make it work most easily and optimally for you.
For your ‘Effective Motivation Strategy’ I have 3 steps…
Step one: let’s check out a ZERO-motivation strategy!
How do you ‘do’ the strategy that doesn’t work for you?
For example:
a. I look at my goals
b. I feel doubt/confusion as to whether the methods will really work
c. I tell myself that I can always do it tomorrow as one day won’t make a difference and is it really going to work anyway?
Ok, we know what doesn’t work. So, what does?
Step two: How do you ‘do’ the strategy that does work for you?
(this may be in relation to business, your hobby, spending time with your family)
I know there’s something – probably many things – that you’re always motivated to do. It actually doesn’t just happen naturally even though it may feel like it. There are steps and because strategies are cross-contextual, once you have this effective strategy you can use the same process for your motivation to exercise (or anything!) strategy.
To give you an example of a very effective motivation to exercise strategy:
a. I tell myself how important (being in great shape) is to my core identity beliefs, values and happiness.
b. I evaluate what needs to be done.
c. I think about how good the results make me feel…and this strategy leads to action and results!
Step three: Model across the steps from your own effective strategy.
As I said if it works for one aspect of your life it will work for another. The only difference is you will initially need to be more conscious about doing the strategy that you are just learning, where as the one you already excel in will happen naturally.
So now you have the effective motivation strategy once you combine it with those little daily motivations doses I mentioned – stuff like the podcasts or audio books you listen too / the people you spend time with / the pictures you have as your screen saver / and the books and blogs you read – you’re sorted with the abundant motivation that will keep you pushing to take those steps you need to take…
There are A LOT of steps though right?
Several years ago when I was in the midst of my business from hell saga, there was so much to do that I’d regularly spend an entire day reacting madly to urgent and ignoring important.
Even though I spent upwards of 14 hours a day in a gym I was the least healthy I’ve ever been.
The first thing that crossed my mind every morning as the alarm jolted me awake was “I didn’t get enough sleep” and the last thing I thought as I collapsed into bed each night was “I didn’t get enough done.”
Which leads us to mindset Hack #3… and my most freeing of many lessons from that old biz.
Hack #3. Overcome Overwhelm.
I now believe overwhelm is lazy thinking.
It takes over when you allow yourself to dwell on ALL the things that happen to you that you cannot control. It can make you feel helpless.
…and to have the discipline to keep your focus on only what you can control while you take action tackling the most important next step, one step at a time.
Are YOU “waiting to just…
Finish that.
Get on top of this.
Find the right person… or program.
Or the right time.
…and then you’ll be able to (insert massive action taking and life-changing result here)”
=> Let me know in the comments below! Can you relate? What have you been waiting for before you commit to take action? I’d love to hear from YOU. What have you been waiting for / or waiting to finish or get on top of???
We always imagine we’ll have more time, energy, discipline, support, money – WHATEVER – in the future!
When really that’s never the case… AND…
You will never get it all done. (so there’s no reason to wait!)
That isn’t meant to be doom & gloom disheartening!
It’s actually incredibly freeing.
Once you recognize that you’ll never get it all done then it simply becomes a matter of taking these 6 simple steps to get over overwhelm:
#1. Prioritise what DOES get done.
=> To be effective do your prioritizing the night before. With YOUR goals in mind (rather than other people’s goals when you’re at the mercy of seemingly Urgent yet mostly UNimportant inbox the next morning!)
=> Set time guidelines for each action. (this creates a sense of urgency as well as a certain comfort in knowing you’re only at it for a set period of time).
=> Set a timer when completing each action the following day.
#2. Make time for the big rocks that keep you functioning effectively.
=> sleep (I need 7 hours and can get by on 6 if I make it up later in the week)
How many hours sleep do you need to function at your most effective and efficient?
=> exercise (6 days on and 1 rest day works for my body)
What works for your body? Honestly.
=> meal preparation
I recommend 80% of your meals are planned and on Goal.
So by that I mean one ingredient, nutritious fat burning foods that give your body the nutrients and energy it needs.
#3. Make time for the big rocks that keep you smiling!
Yes, I’m super serious! If you’re not going to get it all done – and you recognize its not about waiting till that perfect time in ‘the future’ to magically appear… then, its vital to enjoy every. single. day.
What do you need to make time for each day to feel Happy, Satisfied, Calm, Energized and to Live Congruent with your Values and Beliefs?
Your values and beliefs are some of the most influential factors in helping your achieve your body gain goal. They determine all of your decision making and therefore your destiny… again, I can’t go deep with how to use them right now however I’ll 100% let you know where to find that information at the end of the post.
So perhaps your big rocks (that keep you smiling!) might be:
=> Friends? Family? Your relationship? Meditation? Your Exercise?! Reading?
#4. Focus on ONE day at a time.
That’s all that is ever required. You can choose to get ahead of yourself, stress about future obstacles that may never even happen and encourage overwhelm OR you can simply focus your energy on achieving your top tasks for today.
#5. Do a weekly mind dump to get everything out of your head.
All this entails is a clean sheet of paper onto which you release everything that is swimming around in your head. No limits. You can relegate or delegate or ditch (!) it to it’s proper place in your list of priorities once its out of your head.
#6. Find the systems that make tracking and remembering what needs to get done as easy as possible for you.
Whatever you don’t record is going to be floating around in your head – taking up energy & contributing to overwhelm. Once you set up a system you trust, you get to slot each thought into the system and let it go!
I used to think systems were boring and restrictive – now I find them freeing. I can’t take credit for this acronym:
Save Yourself Stress Time Energy and Money however I can show you how to make it applicable to your body gain goal.
More on that soon.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post if you’re looking to create the fit, lean, healthy body you were born to ROCK 24/7 365 days ALL you really need is the resolve to back yourself and to give it 100%.
To have certainty in you.
To nurture abundant motivation.
To keep your focus on only what you can control while taking action tackling the most important next step, one step at a time.
So there you have it 3 of my best body gain mindset hacks.
Three things I’d love to be able to share with painfully-shy-and-debilitatingly-self-conscious teenager Kate… and of course with crazy-stressed-overwhelmed and at times frozen-with-fear-and-self-doubt Kate struggling stuck in that old business from Hell!
Today I’ve given you some of my best information on how to Program Your Thoughts To Create The Fit, Lean, Healthy Body You Were Born To ROCK 24/7 365 Days.
So you can build your belief in YOU and start gaining the body you feel most confident and congruent in as opposed to slogging it out fighting yourself when your mind is stuck – trying to stick to a plan that isn’t getting results and is gradually eating away at your resolve to give it 100%.
If you implement everything I’ve shared today that is an AWESOME start. However there’s only so much we can cover in one post. I have so much more to share with you.
So now: How you can take everything we’ve covered today plus a whole lot more and apply it immediately to start building the body you feel most confident and congruent in. I’d love to introduce you to:
The BGL is an online self-paced course, community and coaching program to create the body you feel most confident and congruent in. I’ve got your food and your exercise covered… and I’ll tell you exactly what to eat, how to exercise and when… however, remember – if your mind is stuck you’re wasting your time moving your body.
My main focus? To make the mindset component of Body Gain simple, implementable and sustainable.
I’m here with you everyday.
I won’t leave you in the hands of stale pre-recorded drip-fed content… instead you’ll have this little accountability queen on your team DAILY with personal support, motivation and accountability.
I want to make sure you’re 100% clear on the actions you need to take when.
Even more importantly I want to ensure you have the confidence – the certainty in you – to BACK YOURSELF and make it happen.
Because that’s what held me back. What holds me back in any of my life in which I’m not yet excelling. I’m still learning too.
How Does It Work?
The Body Gain Lifestyle is a monthly membership site and forum.
A place to go for daily support, motivation and accountability. To get clarity or simply share a win or struggle with a community of people working on the same things as you. To get your personal questions answered by me. I’ve worked out how to eat and how to move to as I like to say ‘Choose my Curves’ and so much more importantly I’ve learnt the Mind Games to play with myself to make it easy to actually DO what I know!
And I’d love to share that knowledge with you.
It’s also the hub where all my products, tools and content live. You get access to everything I have and will create. With the structure, systems and tracking to make it easy to follow – at your own pace… to Save Yourself Stress, Time, Energy and Money.
And if you’re a fan of my podcast ‘Healthifcation’ which has airs 5 days a week – you’ll know that being consistent and reliable is something I’m utterly obsessed with.
It also gives you access to my monthly coaching webinars where we’ll dig deep with my signature product ‘Silence Self Sabotage’ which is my 6 step system to create your best body gain mindset.
And finally you get access to my monthly mastermind Q & A webinars.
Who is this for?
If you’re sick of not seeing results for all the effort you put in and the sacrifices you make… or frustrated at yourself for not doing what you know… or confused by the limitless conflicting information available and disheartened by over-promising under-delivering gimmicks – then this is the community for you.
However, if you’re looking for a result without effort – keep looking.
You may be asking: What RESULTS Can I Expect?
Violet followed my 6-step system ‘Silence Self Sabotage’ which makes the mindset component of body gain simple and implementable. That’s just one tiny component of ALL the training material loaded into this community. As a busy working mum, without access to a gym and without ever spending face time with me Violet followed the steps and she blitzed it…
To quote Violet…
“I’ve lost 10.5kg in 7 weeks KATE thanks to you… Still going at a sustainable rate – on target to reach my personal weight loss goal”. Violet Jammal, Sydney.
Inside the membership I’ve broken everything into several sections. I’ll show you how to step by step fine-tune, rework or completely overhaul your:
1. MINDSET: Understand what you do that holds you back, why you do it… and then what to do instead.
Including my 6-step system ‘Silence Self Sabotage’ immediately downloadable in audio format and then as a deep dive monthly coaching intensive via live webinar.
Also my 30-day body transformation ‘B3Blitz’ where over 30 days, you’ll implement one action a day to create the habits that will guide your health for a lifetime. I’ve added tracking capabilities to hold you accountable, keep you consistent and also individual threads for each day to share your experiences with other bodygainers and also get the dirt on how I deal with each daily action.
and a whole lot more…
2. FUEL: (Everything food!) Eat better not less and love every delicious, generous meal in your ideal fat burning day.
Including new recipe PDF’s each month. We start with ‘My Ideal Fat Burning Day’ and ‘Glorious Cheat Day’ and PDF’s detailing your: Go2Breakfasts, Go2Lunches, Go2Dinners. Plus my ’15 Easy, Lean, Clean, LOW CARB Switches.’
and a whole lot more…
3. MOVE: (Everything exercise!) Ditch boring cardio and choose your curves with metabolism igniting weights.
Including complete exercise programs via video each month at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.
and a whole lot more…
So What Exactly Do I Get?
- Immediate access to the community, the forum and all my content.
- Monthly coaching and mastermind webinars. That’s 2 live webinars a month and ongoing access to the replays. Plus supporting worksheets and checklists to make the webinar content easily actionable.
- Me on your team. Like seriously, I’ll have your back. The thing I’m known for with my one on one personal training clients is my unrelenting focus and positivity. I’m determined to bring that online. I really don’t believe it’s been done yet. Are you up for it? You’ve spent a while with me now so you’ll have a good idea as to whether you’d like to have me batting for you!
How Much Does It Cost?
$47 per month.
That price is limited to the first 100 foundational members and then it’ll double. For foundational members, regardless of the future plans I have for adding huge additional value as we grow this community you get to keep your investment at $47 monthly for as long as you stay with the Body Gain Lifestyle.
Zero lock in. You stay as long as you love it. Simple.
What Next?
To take advantage of the foundational member price and access everything right now go to The Body Gain Lifestyle:
To be clear, you can join the Body Gain Lifestyle in the future however the foundational price exists only for the first 100 ‘Bodygainers’.
Q & A.
Ok, it’s time to hand over to you guys! Do you have any questions I can help with?
Either in relation to the content we’ve covered today or in relation to The Body Gain Lifestyle membership?
If so please ask in the comments below or email me: info@strongbodygreenplanet.com
Al-righty so I’d like to say a huge thank you for hanging me me today. I respect your time and appreciate you choosing to spend it with me.
I hope to connect with you again soon – either within The Body Gain Lifestyle or perhaps via my Healthification podcast.
Big thanks again – Cheers – and have the most fit, fun and fabulous 2015!
P.S. Here are your free Cheat Sheet Carb Cutting PDF and the Effective Motivation Strategy PDF.