Can you lose enough weight to change your life in a month?
Absolutely. Although I’ve had the privilege to work with clients who’ve dramatically changed the way their bodies look in a mere 30 days – it’s about so much more than those visual results.
Before committing to anything a question worth asking is:
“Will this change my life?”
The habits that you can create in a month will last a lifetime.
There are some simple (no, not easy) food switches & exercise upgrades that will deliver the fast results you need to keep on pushing. To make these switches & upgrades your mind has to be onside.
…and if you think it is already, well then, if that was the case – you’d be at your goal health & weight already.
When aligning your thoughts to support your weight loss success rather than sabotage it your unconscious mind is where it’s at:
It’s the nagging lil voice that may echo “yeah, right & how long are you going to last this time” when you decide to cut refined carbs & lift weights 3 days a week.
It’s the ‘automatic’ reaction to ditch your morning walk when it’s bucketing rain outside… or to share a bowl of chips at the pub.
It’s the “yuk, these rolls hanging over my jeans are Disgusting”… and the “I deserve” this chocolate after dinner as it was such a long day.
If your gut reaction when you jump on the scales after a week of eating well & training hard – AND the number has gone UP – is “why bother, I never lose weight I’m meant to be fat”
…then it’s the mindset switches and upgrades that are going to serve you best before you try to force yourself back to your eating and exercise regime through discipline alone.
Discipline doesn’t last.
…and YOU have just as much will power as anyone else. If you don’t have the results you’re seeking yet, then it’s simply because you haven’t been shown the tricks and tactics (the mind games you play with yourself!) to get your unconscious mind on your fat blasting team. Some people naturally hunt for the evidence that will support the attainment of their goals – and they find it.
Others of us need to work at it. One step at a time.
=> To define and get crystal clear on your health goal, your values & beliefs.
=> To align that health goal – and more so all the experiences achieving it will allow you and those you love, to experience – with the values & beliefs that guide every decision you make… And to manufacture congruency where there may be energy zapping conflict.
=> To eliminate the limiting beliefs that have kept you safe… And kept you Stuck.
=> To educate yourself on what are the very best, most effective strategies to apply to your exercise, your nutrition, your thoughts, your language.
=> To uncover and model your own success strategies. Yes, YOU are your perfect model… And to also make use of other people success’s (and failures!) to fast-track your results.
=> To prioritise your time so that the long term results you want to enjoy are never at the expense of short term indulgences or lack of preparation.
These are the 6 steps to creating a winning weight loss mindset… and every time I see someone struggling to stick with the goal they say means so much to them, without exception one (or more often several) of these steps have been skipped.
In our time-poor-opportunity-rich-just-go-go-go society, isn’t it a natural tendency to just take action – any action – to reassure yourself that you’re making progress?
To buy the flashy new gear and fancy ‘fat-burning’ supplements.
To join the gym.
To start running every day.
…or ban, chocolate and vino from your life for the next month?
It feels good to be doing something.
HOWEVER, changing your Environment (joining a gym) or your Behaviours (banning crap-o-la food) is only ever going to be a band-aide fix if your haven’t first gone beyond that to the vastly more powerful levels of change powered by your Identity Beliefs and Values.
To force yourself consciously to stick to the habits you know you should be sticking to is just painful. If you consider your unconscious mind is in control of at least 90% of your total mind, then to battle with a puny 10% of your conscious mind against the mighty 90% which controls your Identity Beliefs and Values… well, you’re setting yourself up for heart-ache.
It can get overwhelming.
Where to start? Is it best to plan an intervention – go cold turkey against those old beliefs and habits and start with ‘the new me’ tomorrow?
Or to set the ‘realistic’ target of focusing on one small step at a time and only adding the next small step once the current one is a rock solid belief or habit?
I’ve seen both fail.
Cold turkey is so much pressure… the circumstances need to be ideal… Life can’t happen beyond your all important weight loss goal. Family? Career? A holiday, emergency or amazing opportunity? No time for that! Oh, and if the stars do align for that ideal time to start, with all of the sacrifices you’re making the results are going to have to be crazy-out-of-control-fast-and-impressive.
And, the realistic target? It’s insipidly unexciting… it will not stretch you to really give it your all and commit 100%. Or to make yourself proud and prove to yourself what you’re really capable of. Small changes will bring (if any) tiny results and from there it’s just way to super-easy-to-cruise-complacently-back into your comfortable old beliefs and habits.
Once I discovered the 6 steps to creating a winning weight loss mindset, I then learnt I was only half way there.
It was one thing to break down what the people already there had done and what they continue to do to stay fit, lean and healthy – and to achieve it easily and sustainably.
However what about if you’re not yet there?
What is the best way to implement everything that needs to happen so that the 6 steps (I call them ‘Silence Self Sabotage’) can become a part of your lifestyle that support everything you do… rather than fight for your time, money and energy?
That, is how the ‘B3Blitz’ 30 Day Body Transformation was born.
In over 8 years experience working full-time as a personal trainer and coach, I’ve seen that one month is a significant enough period to see some hugely inspiring results while still retaining that manageable timeframe that means you feel confident in your ability to give it your all.
In 9 weeks I’ve seen people ‘bludge’ till the half way mark and then still try to hit a 9 week target calculated for twice the time before their looming deadline… and that is daunting, the perfect recipe to. give. up.
We’ve covered the cold-turkey/hell-for-leather approach… it lasts a week or two, the visual results don’t match the perceived effort and it’s frustratingly common to. give. up.
In my experience 30 days is the ideal foundation.
Over the 30 Day ‘B3Blitz’ I detail exactly what steps you need to take when. Each day, you’ll also receive an email with the bonus information and extra support and accountability that until now, I’ve reserved only for my 1-on-1 clients.
I consider ‘Silencing Self-Sabotage’ and ‘B3Blitz’ to be the perfect blueprint for achieving the most effective mindset for creating your ideal body.
You’ll enjoy weight loss results that fit easily and sustainably into your lifestyle. It goes beyond the traditional diet and exercise approach to weight loss that sees 95% of people fail. Instead, we’ll focus on how to achieve the mindset you need to lose weight.
Check out this page >> to start changing your thoughts and your body today,
…WAIT (!) first ask yourself “Will this change my life?” because I guarantee if it’s important enough and you are ready to commit 100% to YOU, then absolutely Yes this can change your life.
To your best month to come.