One of the frustrations I hear often is “I know what I need to do to lose weight – why can’t I just do it?”
It sounds so simple… and it is.
Too simple in fact.
It’s deceptive. Because the actions you need to take are simple.
Whether it’s to plan your meals. Eat more lean protein and fibrous veg. Ditch the fake processed carbs and bad trans fats. Just move your body 30 minutes a day.
None of this is complex.
The beliefs and habits, you need to create behind the scenes – to lock and load at an unconscious level are a lot more complex… and they are certainly not one size fits all.
Discipline and motivation are conscious. If you’re not yet at your goal level of health then I expect you’ve been relying on consciously taking the actions you know you should be taking. Now even the most disciplined and motivated will not get by long term if you rely only on your conscious mind to do the hard yards.
There are too many obstacles that will jump in your way!
…and discipline wears thin when it’s getting tested again. And again. AND again.
You need your unconscious mind to be supporting your health rather than sabotaging it.
Your unconscious mind accounts for at least 90% of your total mind.
So, if you’ve been struggling to fight the bad habits that your unconscious mind is in control of… well, you can imagine you’re fighting a losing battle can’t you?
The solution is to create good habits. Resourceful responses, that are initially manufactured. Yes, you make them up based on the outcomes you desire and you practice them until, eventually they become your new effective habits.
At an unconscious level your response will become to think and therefore act in the way that will keep you fit and lean.
All you need to focus on is one daily habit at a time.
Today is perfect to let go of any “Why can’t I….?” ’s. To upgrade to “How can I?” and simply start practicing the one habit that you know will make the most difference to your health.
What is that one habit? (you’re thinking of a simple action right now aren’t you)
Please be kind to yourself and understand there is zero value in berating yourself because this ‘simple’ action does not yet just happen easily and sustainably… have faith that when you put the time into creating the most effective beliefs to support the habit, and then you practice the habit… there will be a time when both beliefs, habits and very certainly the corresponding results come naturally to you.
Here are just a few of the habits that help me stay fit and lean easily and sustainably.
They all started as consciously manufactured beliefs that I knew would get me the results I was seeking. I consciously reminded myself of them until they became unconscious habits:
=> picking aimlessly at random food in the fridge leads to fat gain.
=> the estrogenic effect of tofu and soy in general makes my thighs flabby.
=> diet soft drink and fake protein bars make me a fake person with unreliable energy.
=> eating chips and drinking beer makes me always want to eat chips and drink beer and that means I have to deal with guilt and cravings.
=> walking to and from work means I can get away with minimal other cardio.
=> if I can’t do high intensity intervals weekly then there is zero integrity in expecting the same of my clients.
Wow… have I shared too much?
My intention is to demonstrate that some of the above are factually correct and some are false made up beliefs that are equally effective at GETTING THE RESULT I want!
It really doesn’t matter if your manufactured beliefs that guild your initially conscious habits are right or wrong. They only need to resonate with you – with enough emotional intensity for you to be able to stick with them until they become unconscious habits.
Ok. Love to hear from you. It’s your opportunity for some public accountability.
What’s the one daily habit you’re committing to today?