How I Move!
I’m a lil bit unco. Not genetically gifted. Certainly not a natural athlete (at school I used to duck when the basketball was thrown my way… hey, my eyesights’ bad!).
However, I have worked out how to move to choose my curves. I HATE machine cardio.
(I last 6-12 minutes. not per machine. total.) 6 minutes and it’s time to move onto something more fun. So, whether you’re a cardio kamikaze or weights worshiper…
Or neither.
Either way, natural mover or not, this is the space where I’m going to share just how quick and easy it can be to move your body to choose your curves.
Let’s check out one of my favs.
The medicine ball tricep dip.
Tricep’s make me think biceps.
I don’t spend much time on isolated movements as they have way less bang for your fat burning buck than big compound movements. HOWEVER that said, here’s a fun little finisher I threw in on Saturday as I had 10 minutes before my next client and hadn’t ticked the biceps box in my full bod work-out that morning.
=> Advanced burpee. (jump into a chin up, then back down and jump feet out into a push up, then jump feet in and you’re back into that chin up)
=> Zotman curl. (upward/concentric phase of the bicep curl is normal then it becomes a reverse curl on the lower/concentric phase) Keep your elbows locked into your sides.
If I’d had more time I would have thrown in those med ball dips after the advanced burpee and before the curl… next time!
As it was I went with a brief yet effective:
(10 repetitions) Adv.burpee and (8 repetitions) heavy Z.curls (I dropped to a lighter weight after 6)
(8) Adv.burpee and (8) heavy Z.curls (I dropped to a lighter weight after 4)
(6) Adv.burpee and (8) heavy Z.curls (I dropped to a lighter weight after 3)
I’ll be back later in the week with a full work-out… actually nothing less than my Absolute Favourite Work-out: Legs and Butt…
Till then, happy training!
Quick shoulders+triceps work-out today with some core to finish.
(not my strongest point so I pair a heavy exercise with more of a slow burn)
A1. Shoulder press 8 reps.
A2. Shoulder raise (3 ways) 8 rear delt, 8 lateral, 8 front.
(3 sets)
B1. Upright row 8 reps.
B2. Med ball dip 15 reps.
(3 sets)
C1. Tricep push-down 12 reps.
C2. Oblique v-up 12 reps.
(3 sets)
=> Core Finsher.
D1. Side plank oblique crunch with hip dip (12 reps each side)
D2. Hanging leg raise (12 reps)
…then 10 reps of each, then 8 reps of each to FINISH!
Short & sweet. Enjoy!
My fav work-out of the week yest…
I follow a split routine during the week so Saturday is WHATEVER I WANT! (tends to be a heap of Glute focused lower bod + a touch of back and core)
Here we go:
A1. Low Barbell Lunge 8 reps.
A2. Walk-out. 6 reps each side.
(3 sets)
B1. Barbell Dead-lift 8 reps.
B2. Step Down (holding a 10kg plate in each hand). 12 reps.
(3 sets)
C1. Bulgarian Split Squat 8 reps.
C2. Side Plank Leg Raise. 20 reps.
(3 sets)
D1. Wide Grip Assisted Chin-up 6-8 reps.
D2. Renegade row + push up + oblique knee + shoulder raise (4 repetition sets only – hardest exercise of the day!). (3 sets)
E1. Reverse Grip Lat Pull-down 6-8 reps.
E2. Side Plank Oblique Crunch with Hip Dip. 12 reps.
(3 sets)
Repetitions ranges from only 4 for the renegade row combo to 20 each leg for the side plank leg raise => I generally combine a heavy low rep first exercise with a body weight/lighter weight second exercise for higher reps that gets my heart rate up.
I SWEAT when I train – it’s not pretty – if you look like you’re doing it easy… then odds on your results are going to be fairly average. As they say: sweat like a pig to look like a fox!
Today was Lower Body day.
LOVE IT! However had to skip one of my favs the ‘walk-out’ as have some pesky RSI (from the mouse and too much computer time, not from training!). Luckily there are plenty of fun options, this is what I chose with 45 minutes to play with only…
A1. Low Barbell Lunge 10 reps.
A2. Side Plank Leg Raise 20 reps.
(3 sets)
B1. Step Down (holding a 10kg plate in each hand) 10 reps.
B2. Barbell Dead-lift 8 reps.
BC. Single Leg Swiss Ball Curl 12 reps.
(3 sets)
C1. Bulgarian Split Squat 10 reps.
C2. *Double Leg Lower off bench with Reverse Crunch and 2kg Ball. (ball between my knees).12 reps.
(3 sets)
*and the boys at the gym give me grief for super-long-named-exercises??? 🙂
Latest work-out is one of my group training routines: Metabolic Resistance Training.
Weights with a cardio effect. You’ll get your heart rate up, work really hard and burn a lot of fat during AND AFTER training!
(just get clicky with the link above for the PDF!)
FINISH STRONG: The Perfect Way The Get The Very Most Out Of Your Work-out.
Throw one of these in at the end of your heavy weights session or after some short, intense cardio intervals.
Grab your free EXERCISE FINISHERS PDF at the link below:
Ideally you will prioritize your exercise, regardless of what life throws at you because this keeps you happy, healthy and effective. HOWEVER, I know life isn’t always ideal!
So, when life really steps in the way of your ideal routine, ride it out with at least half the time and frequency you know works best. Everything counts. If ‘4’ 45minutes sessions are not doable, then ‘2’ 20minutes sessions are WAY better than zero.
Here’s a super quick routine.
(2-3 circuits and you’re done!)
‘6’ Walk-outs
‘9’ 1 Arm DB Row
‘12’ DB Split Squat
‘15’ Medicine Ball Dips
‘18’ Side Plank Leg Raise
’21’ 7 Walking Prone Push-up / 7 each side body-weight get-up.
Today is shoulders+triceps day with some dead-lifts…
Because I skipped them on Tuesday and you can’t claim ‘booty love’ and skip dead-lifts!
A1. Seated supported shoulder press 8 reps.
A2. Rear delt raise 8 reps each side.
A3. Lat raise 12 reps.
(3 sets)
B1. Med ball dip 15 reps.
B2. Barbell upright row 8 reps.
B3. Double lower reverse crunch with ball 12 reps.
(3 sets)
C1. Dead-lift 8 reps.
C2. Snatch to eccentric press 6 reps each side. (PICTURED)
(3 sets)
D1. Tricep push-down 12 reps.
D2. Side plank oblique with hip dip 12 reps each side.
(2 sets)
Yesterday was a fun but challenging back+chest+core work-out.
First up a pyramid of 8 reps down to 1 rep with Dumbbell Press’s and Dumbbell 1 Arm Rows.
The trick is to find a weight that you can only just get 8 reps out max so that you’ll then push to only just get 7 reps out, then only just 6 and so on. (other option is start with your heavy weight and do a drop-set to a lighter weight when it’s too tough). Here goes:
A1. Flat DB Press.
A2. 1 Arm DB Row.
(8:8, 7:7, 6:6, 5:5, 4:4, 3:3, 2:2, 1:1)
B1. Wide Assisted Chin 8 reps.
B2. Advanced Burpee 6 reps.
(jump into a neutral grip chin up => as you come down jump feet out do a push up => jump back up and into that chin up again).
B3. Side plank oblique crunch with hip dip 12 reps each side.
(3 sets)
C1. Rev Grip Lat Pull Down 8-10 reps drop-set.
C2. Double lower reverse crunch with ball 12 reps.
C3. Wide Grip Supported Row 6 reps.
(3 sets)