I tend to think my energy levels are pretty awesome, however this week I rocked into the studio with some extra spark… and the boys I work with declared “Ms G are you in Love?!!”
To which my response was “YES, with seaweed!”
Now, before you think I’m nuts let me explain how this previously disgusting food is now on my Love list… it’s all about the energy, in one word:
If you, like myself are ultra focused on providing your body with natural unprocessed food. If you don’t add salt and if you don’t eat plenty of seafood… then there is a very real chance you too are iodine deficient.
The soil our food is now grown in is certainly depleted of this critical mineral.
Now there are some ultra thorough articles out there and I suggest you check them out. However, to super-simplify, a shortage of iodine can result in changes to the thyroid gland leading to;
=> Poor metabolic function (i.e. DIFFICULTY LOSING WEIGHT!) and weakened immunity.
=> Iodine is also essential for proper brain development and cognitive ability. (and I thought it was too many red wines…)
Oh, and lack of iodine can also mean;
So, on some advice from a dear client and friend (the only lady I know who eats cleaner than me!) I invested in a pack of roasted seaweed.
Quite possibly the best 2.29c I’ve ever spent!
1 sheet (of dirty-fish-water-stick-to-the-mouth-YUCKINESS) on Saturday afternoon and I was outta-control-turbo-charge-energy-PLUS! I am serious. Yes, perhaps my body will get used to it and the effect won’t be quite so potent however I’m happy riding this seaweed high for now. 🙂
My two takeaway points for you.
1. If the result is worth it anything can become edible… even enjoyable.
Here’s a good way to disguise the taste if seaweed is not yet yumbo for you:
Green Energy PLUS Omelette.
1 cup of green veggies (I used; spinach, asparagus and spring onion)
3 button mushrooms
1/2-1 sheet of ROASTED SEAWEED.
Pinch of mixed dried herbs (or fresh like coriander or oregano even better!)
Pinch of smoked paprika or chilli
Chop all veggies (seaweed is easier to chop if you wet it first) then mix all ingredients together.
=> this can be done the night before for speed in the morning (pictured uncooked!).
Heat 1/2 teaspoon of Coconut oil in a frypan & then lightly wipe off again with paper towel. (or just use the coconut oil spray)
Cook omelette with lid on pan till first side golden – turn – repeat on second side with lid removed.
2. We (ME!) can take a good thing to the extreme and suffer the repercussions. Think of sun. Or lack there of and vitamin D deficiency.
What’s your fav seaweed recipe?
I’m pretty sure there are others who would love to see some more ideas beyond my lil omelette, so please share!