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As you can hear today’s show is editing and music free. I’m embracing the natural approach just with these bonus Monday shows for a number of non exciting reasons! My interview shows published mid week will continue with the higher production values.
Onwards, I want to check in with you. How are you feeling?
I’m feeling pretty emotional right now. Not so much in a stressed or anxious way. More so just I feel so much love for all the little businesses fighting to stay afloat and doing so with such grace, creativity and positivity under huge pressure.
Right now is bringing out the best in so many people. We’re forming diamonds. Not all the time, however most of the time and that’s what I’m focusing on. Talking of which…
Don’t think of vegan donuts.
Easier said than done right? To NOT think of that delish donut gorgeousness… first you must think of the pesky little donut right? Actually I’m not huge on donuts… I’m more a hot chips sorta girl myself, however before we get carried away with the most irresistible food treats my main point is the power of,
For better or worse what you focus on expands.
Now there’s the science’y explanation that tells us each moment 3 million bits of info hits our 5 senses and to cope we filter them down to 134 bits and then a further 7 chunks of info.
What we filter in and filter out is based on our unique experiences, values and beliefs… or more so how we choose to interpret our unique experiences, values and beliefs.
The non science’y example is when you’re focusing on how awkward, uncomfortable or out of your depth you feel – perhaps it’s talking to someone you look up to or maybe when you’re about to present to a group of people isn’t it just always the way that that brings out the awkwardness in you?
If what you focus on expands then doesn’t it make sense to focus only on what you want more of?
=> To focus on the firm butt and toned thighs you’re sculpting as you do your body weight lunges around your living room… rather than dwell on how fat and flabby you’re feeling. Every single repetition I’m thinking firm butt, toned thighs and I can tell you it works!
=> To focus on how much easier it is to spend a couple of solid 45 minute blocks working on your number one most important task today then it was when you first started and how you’re making serious progress.
=> Perhaps to focus on how much sweeter fruit and vegetables taste once you’ve upgraded those fake and processed addictive craving causing refined foods.
Apart from what you focus on expands – and you want the good stuff to expand, is the simple fact that life is more fun when you focus on what’s good. Or what could be good if you chose to see it that way.
It’s my intention to make these Monday Motivation shows short and actionable so here’s today’s action step:
At the end of each day focus on 3 things you were AWESOME at today so far as your health.
It doesn’t matter how minor, the point is you’re building up your reference points for success and what you focus on expands!
Perhaps you need a little help to change your focus? Today I did. As I plan this show I’m sitting on a plane ready for take off to Noosa to be with my family. While domestic travel is still allowed.
Jetstar were kind enough to whack me with a $65 hand luggage fee as although I have just one normal size bag it’s heavy as I have all my delicate tech equipment to rebuild my business in it rather than in my checked bag. Now is not the best time for face to face personal training! There are dozens of empty seats so we are not overweight.
I’m in need of a ‘5’ minute state changer!
How is it that we can reactively let our state get changed for the worse in as little as 5 seconds and yet we’re perhaps not so practiced at pro-actively upgrading our state which can happen almost as quickly and easily?
I have ‘5’ 5 Minute State Changers for you to take for a spin the next time you find yourself in a less than ideal state.
One: Do a 5 minute workout.
You guessed that one right? Of course you can do more however even just 5 minutes will do the trick. Even better get your workout groove on to your fav training song.
If you’re stuck at home here’s a 5 minute routine that needs zero equipment, just a timer.
I have 5 exercises for you. Perform each one for 20 seconds working and 10 seconds rest times 2.
- Push up.
So it looks like this, 20 seconds push ups, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds push ups, 10 seconds rest and move on to,
- Sumo in out jump squat.
- Mountain climber.
- Side plank with elbow to knee tap and hip dip. (20 seconds one side, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds other side)
- Oblique v-up.
Two: Spend 5 minutes on your gratitude’s, goals and today’s reference point for success.
There’s no right or wrong – this will make you feel great however you structure it, however my preference is to write down 3 things I’m grateful right now, my biggest my compelling goal that I’m working towards daily and also something that I’ve done well today.
So that’s a success, no matter how small we have them every day and they are way too easy to gloss over.
Three: 5 minutes of thanks.
So this is taking that gratitude a little further and actually expressing it to someone else. The fastest way to feel better is to stop focusing on YOU and brighten someone else’s day. It’s so easy to do. I regularly practice this however I’d like to get even better at it.
Perhaps that’s just a few thoughtful texts you send. Or perhaps it’s a phone call you make to someone you love and appreciate. Maybe it’s a card you write to say thanks.
Imagine if every slightly rubbish state we found ourselves in instead became an opportunity to make someone else feel really special and appreciated?
Four: 5 minutes cleaning your work-space.
Although you wouldn’t always believe it if you saw the dishes multiplying in my kitchen mid-week or the workout gear on mass littering my bathroom… I do believe in the messy space messy mind mantra.
I really find it a little frazzling trying to work in mess so my desk stays orderly as does my computer desktop.
It’s amazing how refreshing just 5 minutes of clearing the clutter can be. So get specific with the computer desktop one thing that works really well for me – and I didn’t come up with this but can’t remember where I heard it – is to just have my one main folder on my desktop (heaps of folders live in it however I just get to see that one folder and as an aside it’s labeled with my primary goal right now)… PLUS, one other folder labeled ‘Review.’
The ‘Review’ folder is for everything that I’m getting to that isn’t worth filing or keeping long term and would otherwise live messily on my desktop (ruining the screensaver image I have that again relates to my current most compelling goal)… so it’s mostly screenshots. Every once in a while everything in ‘Review’ that I haven’t gone back to and filed (pretty much 100% of it!) can get trashed.
Five: 5 minutes ditching the refined crap-o-la from your fridge and pantry or the half used and expired stuff from your pantry or even your bathroom cupboard.
You can save your body from a lot of rubbish food in a mere 5 minutes! As a bonus you’ll feel in control after making the decision to ditch that stuff. You know if it’s there you’ll eat it – at some point – so instead get proactive, take some personal responsibility and bin it.
So far as the unfinished, expired stuff – whether it’s sauces or shampoo… there’s something to be said for small steps that help us with the larger actions we’re looking to get better at. Some of us and I’m absolutely speaking for myself are not great finishers. I’m pretty good at starting things… and even better at continuing things – however finishing is a strength I’m working on. I’ll do 80% of the dishes and 70% of my washing – before I get distracted and move on.
As you can imagine this type of non-finishing behaviour is applicable to business too… and also to achieving your health goal. So, there in lies the value finishing the small tasks and throwing out the unfinished things you’re not going to ever use.
I want to round off todays show with 3 recommendations that I’m super grateful for.
- The Outrage and Optimism podcast especially episode 9 of season 2, Caring in the time of Corona.I won’t do this amazing show justice however it’s generally focused on climate change and in this latest show the team discuss the hugely optimistic opportunity we will presented with globally when rebuilding business ravaged by our current corona crisis to do so with the sustainability of our planet and our future in mind. We are being forced to take stock of our current earth destroying, species annihilating way of living right now. Our opportunity is to take this painful lesson and learn from it. To make a situation no one would wish for the tipping point where we decide as a global family to create a sustainable, abundant and compassionate future for all.
- The work of habits expert, and author of “Atomic Habits” James Clear.I had the huge privilege of chatting with James in E??. Also his weekly email which shares 3 ideas, 2 quotes, 1 question and aspires to be “The most wisdom per word of any newsletter on the web.”
- A little CALM acronym I designed for corona-times…
CULL UNHELPFUL INPUTS. I’m implementing my own advice here as I seem to have devolved from a Twitter dabbler to a spiralling addict.
APPRECIATION. For even the smallest things, like some of those brilliant memes flooding our social feeds right now.
LOVED ONES. Let them know you love them and stay in loads of contact.
MEDITATION. I mention it all the time as it’s The previously struggle street habit I’m most grateful for.
That’s it for today. As mentioned last week, I Intend to upload a Monday Motivation show for as long as I think it might be helpful… so if you like the sound of that and found this the least bit helpful or calming please let me know via an iTunes review or just as awesomely, please share the show with anyone else who might be Craving A Little Calm And Control With This COVID-19 Craziness.
Wishing you and all those you health and happiness. If you’d like a little “beyond the podcast” support with the exercising component of your health I’m transitioning to online personal training as we speak. The vast majority of my existing clients are taking me up on this offer which I’m so hugely grateful for. If you’re interested in learning more about the possibility of individualised online / virtual training please shoot me an email, kate@strongbodygreenplanet.com. It’ll be up and running for existing clients this week and for anyone, anywhere – even if you’re stranded at home half a world away with zero exercise equipment, soon after that.
Let’s move through this craziness fit, strong, healthy and united!
Till next time, remember Creating a body and life you love is Freedom. (If this ex-carb queen, non genetically gifted, naturally uncoordinated vegan chick can do it – so can YOU!!!)
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