No matter how often you’re heard that you can’t out train a poor diet, isn’t it such a natural inclination to think “I’ll just have this tiny little sliver of dessert” Definitely-NOT-going-back-for-seconds-and-100%-doing-an-extra-super-long-walk-tomorrow! Or “Surely some banana bread with my skim cap after back to back pump and body attack classes is ok?” Zero-chance-it-will-turn-into-an-addictive-after-gym-carb-fix-I-MUST-have! Sometimes it helps to see the numbers …
Energy PLUS: Quite possibly the best 2.29c I’ve ever spent!
I tend to think my energy levels are pretty awesome, however this week I rocked into the studio with some extra spark… and the boys I work with declared “Ms G are you in Love?!!” To which my response was “YES, with seaweed!” Now, before you think I’m nuts let me explain how this previously disgusting food is now on …
Can Cutting Carbs to Lose Weight Kill You?
This was a headline in the news this week: Cutting Carbs Can KILL YOU! To which I declare CRAP-O-LA! Today I’m going to cover how to cut carbs and enjoy fat loss results without any of the hyphy potential side effects. As with everything health there is no 1 plan to cover all… and you can take a safe, effective …
Motivation to Lose Weight: Effective Eating and Exercise Strategies.
EVERYTHING we do is a strategy. Yes, it may very well be an ineffective strategy to get you the weight loss result you say you desire! However it is still a strategy. A series of steps you take – likely at an unconscious or automatic level. If your strategy isn’t working then you can break down each step and replace each …
Fat Loss Fuel to Choose Your Curves.
How I Eat! I’m a lazy cook. I want food I LOVE that keeps my body lookin how I want it to look and feelin how I want it to feel. Simple. If you’re after fancy dancy cookery, yeah well… that’s. not. me. However I’m ALSO going to share lots of links to recipes that I would eat (if someone else …
How to DUMP Measuring to Naturally Lose Weight.
Put away your measuring cups and scales! Sustainable, natural weight loss can absolutely be achieved while still accounting for the following food frustrations that most ‘dieters’ battle. “I just want to be able to eat normally without thinking about (and planning, shopping, preparing plus of course Eating) food ALL the time.” No measuring. No stopping when only part full and not …