You know that action that will really help propel you towards your most compelling goal?
That action that makes your ‘to-do’ list each day. Week. Month!!!
Frustrating isn’t it? You KNOW there is value in getting it done.
And that it won’t magically get done on it’s own.
And that delaying isn’t making it any easier.
WOW, perhaps you even agree it’s really not going to be that hard once you just make a start?
I’m applying the 30 minutes a day challenge to once such action of mine.
Are you up for joining me?
=> Getting up 30 minutes earlier.
=> Going to bed 30 minutes earlier.
=> Watching 30 minutes less TV.
=> Preparing meals for 30 minutes each morning.
=> Exercising for 30 minutes each morning.
Monday to Friday it’s going to be number ONE on the to-do list.
Just for 30 minutes.
You know you’re not stuck slogging away at it all day – to the detriment of everything else you want to get done. Or, artfully avoiding it all day – while it still hangs over you zapping energy.
You also know that with a little bit of focused practice each day you’re going to get better at it. Also less hesitant to start it each day.
Now maybe your natural inclination is to think of all the multiple other things you could apply this rule to?
Before long your day would be chocka with each little challenge… and likely none would get done! So I’m going to recommend sticking with just ONE – the most important one – until it’s a habit you feel confident you’ll continue.
My 30 minute challenge action is video practice.
What’s yours?