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Todays show is a little special. In celebration of today being Healthification show #300 (!!!) I want to give you something to say thanks so very much for supporting this lil podcast.
I appreciate it immensely, so thank you.
Here’s my plan, I’m going to turn my signature paid product ‘Silence Self Sabotage’ which is a 6 step system to create your best body gain mindset into podcast format.
Now this product is a bit of a beast – like a BIG generous-friendly-type-of-beast however nonetheless perhaps a little daunting to be consumed in one go… or even as 3 MP3’s as I originally released it.
Like cake and Shiraz there can be too much of a good thing right?
So today is part one and to be completely honest I’m not even sure how many shows it’ll take however it’ll be at least 6. I don’t expect you to follow me blindly though so in each show I’ll let you know up front what we’re going to cover.
Everything I share today will relate to Steps One and Two of ‘Silence Self Sabotage’ and that is DEFINE & ALIGN.
So, here’s what we’ll cover:
- The #1 Thing Preventing You From Having Your Ideal Body Now.
- The 1st Success Strategy to Silence Self Sabotage.
Are you onboard? I hope so.
Before we get rolling I want you to know there is no correct way to complete this program ‘Silence Self Sabotage’ so I recommend you go with whatever best suits your preferred learning style. Perhaps you’ll decide to stop and complete the questions as you first come to them or perhaps you’d prefer to listen to all the podcast shows in this series right through before you return to the exercises that will make the learnings here applicable to you and the steps you take in the attainment of your goal.
Inspiration is only of value if it is backed up by action and my wish – indeed my personal challenge to you is to take this opportunity and to build on the momentum that you have already started by pressing play. I will at this point make a final strong suggestion that if you choose to listen to these shows while doing an hour of power (walking/running/just moving!) each morning that would be ideal!
Of course I won’t be spending an hour with you each day… however hopefully enough time to get you out the door!
Alright, lets get to it with… The #1 Thing Preventing You From Having Your Ideal Body Now.
This is the key, the magic that will almost ensure success or pretty much guarantee failure. The quality that sets apart those with results from those with excuses. At this early stage of the game I’d like to share with you that this journey is not about becoming something or someone you’re not.
It is about becoming all you were always meant to be. I believe with absolute certainty that all of us have everything we need within us right now – that we always have had… some times it’s simply a matter of reconnecting with lost resources, discovering more choices and truly understanding ourselves.
Understanding why we do what we do. Perhaps more importantly, why we don’t do what we don’t do. I’m sure you can relate on some level to knowing what to do with regard to exercise and nutrition for fat loss (Body Gain!).
So why don’t you do what you know? The answer of course is mindset.
In steps one and two we are going delve into what drives you, what you’re passionate and excited about, what you love and what you hate. With this knowledge we will then align your health and fitness goal with everything that you do naturally, effortlessly and easily to ensure a healthy lifestyle is no longer a struggle or ongoing battle.
How can you possibly sustain something that is always a battle? It has to happen naturally and it can.
Let’s get straight into it. Your beliefs are going to help or hinder you in achieving your body gain goal. Your beliefs are feelings of certainty about what something means however they are also made up.
Some of your beliefs that you may not even be consciously aware of will be holding you back. Sabotaging you. This is because our beliefs are possibility filters. If you believe something is true you will filter in to your consciousness that possibility.
Equally, if you believe something is not true you will filter out all evidence of how it could be. Doesn’t it make sense to make up beliefs that are going to support you in creating the ideal body – in living your ideal life? Your mind will hunt for proof of whatever it is you believe.
Think of your unconscious mind as a 5 year child or eager little puppy dog that just wants to please you and goes hunting for evidence of whatever thoughts you’re choosing to entertain. Well how about this – your unconscious mind LOVES questions: if you ask it a question it will just go hunting for evidence and won’t stop till it gets it. (loyal little thing!)
So what if you were to ask yourself questions like “Why do I always hold myself back?”…just think of the (nasty) answers that puppies going to come back with. Alternatively if you were to run with something like “How can I be even more confident and focused on living a healthy day every day?”…I’m much more excited to think of what that pups going to work for you (24/7!) on dragging back!
Here are the facts: 2 million bits of information are hitting your 5 senses every moment. You could not possibly absorb and process this vast amount of information. To cope you filter this down to 134 bits and then a further 5-9 chucks of information. So lets say 7 chunks of information.
The 7 that you chose (from 2 million that is!) are a reflection of your beliefs, values and experiences or more so what you choose to make these experiences mean.
To illustrate this, think of a past event – possibly a sporting match that you went to with a friend who supported the other team. Now I’m thinking there’s a good chance you both came away with a different perception of the game?
Same game – different filtering systems. The 2 million bits of information every second must be deleted, distorted and generalized differently for each of you because no two people are drawing on the same set of beliefs, values and experiences.
Each persons mind will delete what it considers to be irrelevant, distort what you experience so it can fit in with something you are already familiar with and generalize one thing to mean something you have experienced before.
How does your mind decide? Well it will filter in what it believes you need or will need at a future time.
Which brings us to… The 1st Success Strategy to Silence Self Sabotage.
ONE: You Must Take Control Of How You Interpret Your World.
What determines the results you achieve with your health and indeed the quality of your life is not what happens to you. It is not your level of luck, your family, your education, your income and it is certainly not the genes or metabolism you were born with
What determines your success and the quality of your life is the meaning you give to the events that happen in your life and the subsequent choices you make and the actions you take.
I’d like to share a story that I believe illustrates this point beautifully…
In 1954 a little black girl was born to poor, unwed, teenage parents in Mississippi. It was not an ideal start to life. For the first six years of her life, the little girl was raised on a Mississippi farm by her grandmother. These early years were incredibly valuable – perhaps even life saving – as while in her grandmother’s care, the little girl was taught to read at a very early age, instilling a life-long love of reading.
She also recalled hearing her grandmother state on several occasions that she was “gifted.”
While the little girl didn’t know exactly what being “gifted” meant, she believed it meant that she was special. And that was to become enough to keep her going. At the age of six, her mother, decided that she could now care for her young daughter and from six to thirteen, the little girl stayed with her mother. At nine years old she was raped by a cousin and later molested by a male friend of her mother’s and also by an uncle. The young girl never spoke out but held her anger and pain inside and she rebelled. At 14 she became pregnant and gave birth to a stillborn baby boy.
The death of her baby devastated her. She vowed to turn her life around.
Her father who she now lived with helped her turn her life around with strict rules and discipline. He made sure that his daughter stuck to her curfew, maintained high grades in school and encouraged her to be her best. At the age of nineteen, the young lady landed her first job as a reporter for a radio station. Years on she can now add to her resume, actress, writer, producer, activist and TV talk show host…and it certainly doesn’t stop there.
Oprah, it seems, is unstoppable.
Unstoppable, hugely inspirational and a perfect example of creating your own success regardless of the events that happen in your life.
So let’s take a look at some of your beliefs right now. It’s time to discover just what are your beliefs surrounding this outcome you’re seeking. AND more importantly are these beliefs capable of sustaining your as you achieve this goal?
What is exercise to you?
What is food to you?
Why aren’t you your goal weight already?
However you answer this last question will reveal your limiting beliefs, your fears, and your justifications.
Take the time to write down all the reasons you can think of. As you go over your answers you may well see your reasons are mostly excuses that you have fallen in love with.
And I’d like you to ask yourself, “How did I decide to believe that?”
Or, “Who told me to believe that?”
Also consider, What are you deleting that if you filtered in would assist you in achieving this goal?
Have you ever met someone that insists they eat perfectly and then several nights a week when they go out and have way too much to drink they eat hot chips and other fried food with zero nutritional value? However every meal they prepare for themselves is very nutritious and they delete the evidence of the several bad choices they consistently make each week that undoes the extreme (and likely too extreme) discipline and focus they show the rest of the week.
What are you distorting that is sabotaging your efforts? Do you avoid weight training because you’ve seen a picture of a lady that was just too muscly for your taste and you believe picking up a weight will lead to the same masculine physique? If only it was that easy! On average women have less than 1 tenth the testosterone of men!
In addition, Muscle = metabolism. The more lean muscle you have the higher your metabolism is going to be because muscle burns calories 24/7 just sitting there. Therefore maintaining muscle as you lose fat is crucial.
And, What are you generalizing to give you an excuse to not give this goal the 100% focus it deserves? I used to generalize that all cardio was hideous and completely unenjoyable. This is absolutely not the case and the moment I made this distinction and replaced hated and inconsistent hard cardio in the gym with lower intensity walks to and from work while listening to audio that was both time effective and a great way to focus my thoughts I started to see fantastic results.
If it helps you can get the ball rolling with a belief – a feeling of certainty – you used to hold to be true in ANY area of your life but now know to not be true. This will provide proof as to just how easily we can change our beliefs.
I used to believe I could never be a vegetarian… and now I’ve been one for 22 years. Not preaching here… I also believe lean meat is awesome fuel for fat loss, it’s just not for me!
It’s interesting to note that you can very often take on beliefs with no knowledge of when or how you decided to believe it. Or perhaps you’ve taken on someone else’s belief and how about if that person is not achieving the results you’re seeking? Perhaps they are not even someone you respect and yet you’ve taken on their limiting belief…
Now that’s not a good thing to think about!
What is good to think about is the time of the actionable!
Here’s the Silence Self Sabotage PDF download for todays questions surrounding beliefs.
Later in this podcast series we’ll take your current beliefs around eating and exercise and compare them to the most effective eating and exercise strategies.
Strategies you can model – people who succeed at the body gain game have a different way of thinking about food and exercise and it’s an approach that can easily be copied.
Just a hint of what’s to come however for now that’s it for me today… and for another week in Healthification. I hope you’ll join me to continue the ‘Silence Self Sabotage’ journey with show #301 on Monday.
Super huge thanks to you for listening and especially to YOU if you’ve left me an iTunes rating and review.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Will Power: 6 Steps to Build Your Self Control Muscle. (part 2.)
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.