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If you’re listening to this show the day it goes live HUGE MERRY CHRISTMAS if you celebrate it, Happy Holidays if you’re lucky enough to be on holiday or just as importantly whatever the day and whatever you believe in: Super Happy Today!
So today I’m with my family enjoying many of my favourite things: great company and conversations, great food and beverages… and fingers crossed a stunning sunny day. So from the land of Aus – specifically Noosa QLD – I’m pending my gratitude and thanks to YOU for listening to the Healthification podcast whenever you tune in and for spending some time with me.
In today’s show I’m breaking the usual training format – I’m NOT exercising today – unless of course mum drags me out on the paddle-board which she may well do (!)… today I’m sharing part one the first 12 of: 24 Body Gain Motivation Quotes.
To give these quotes some context… I used to believe weight loss or Body Gain as I prefer was 70% food & 30% exercise. I’m now certain it’s 100% Mindset.
If your mind is STUCK you’re wasting your time moving your body.
Moving your mindset to the ‘I Can’ empowered way of thinking, is the long term, sustainable solution.
Sometimes I need a little spark or nudge into motion to take that next step forward and a quote can be that
inspiration. So let’s get rolling with 24 Body Gain Motivation Quotes:
- “Between stimulus and response man has the freedom to choose, and in these choices lie our growth and our happiness.” Viktor Frankl, Psychiatrist and Holocaust-survivor.
=> There’s certainty in knowing that although you can’t know exactly what’s coming over the next day, Month, YEAR – you can know you’re going to rise to the occasion.
The ultimate freedom is the ability to assume 100% responsibility and choose how you respond to any given person or situation.
- “Successful people form the habit of doing what failures don’t like to do. They like the results they get by doing what they don’t necessarily enjoy.” Earl Nightingale, Motivational Speaker.
=> A lot of success has simple to do with your ability to tolerate stuff. To handle it. The fact is once you realize fat loss is difficult, it becomes SIMPLE.
The actions you need to take might be difficult to do as consistently as is necessary, however they are simple.
Once you simply knuckle down, you will see the basics really do work. The trick is to create the mindset that makes it easy to DO the things you used to find it difficult to commit to consistently.
- “In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but by perseverance.” H. Jackson Brown, Author.
=> Some days you’ll feel tired / busy / possibly unwell / perhaps there will be an event beyond your control. Whatever in the past has been an excuse to skip an exercise session or resort to food that does not support your ultimate physique, health and performance is not even an option.
Out plan and out think those old excuses.
- “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” Author unknown.
=> Convenience is the most common reason for resorting to refined food. That’s no longer an excuse as now natural, whole foods are easily available – as premixed salad greens, UNdressed coleslaw, mixed frozen veg… once you find your favs, you’ll find they’re as quick to grab as the refined alternate.
I’m not hugely disciplined, however I am a planner and I regularly out-plan my lack of discipline.
The smart/planner part of me sets up a ‘trick’ or effective strategy for the more impulsive emotional part of me to follow. The key is this must be done AHEAD OF TIME!
- I always eat before I head out if I’m not certain what food will be available and I always have a healthy meal prepared if I know I’ll be home late.
- I avoid keeping my ‘trigger foods’ like nuts, nut butter, or bread at home.
- I never buy more of a ‘treat’ meal than I’m comfortable with consuming that day.
5. “The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.” Chinese proverb.
=> What you’re not willing to do will reveal how committed you are to what you want to do.
It’s a sad fact that in todays society being fit and lean is no longer ‘normal.’ This means to get and stay fit and lean you need to do things that normal people don’t.
- Get up earlier to exercise.
- Take your lunch to work.
- Ask for adjustments to the menu.
- Ditch the car when you can and just move more.
- Eat a great dinner regardless of how late it is / tired you are / long your day was.
Make yourself stronger than your excuses.
- “You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Wayne Gretzky, Hockey Player.
=> The pain of regret of NOT doing something is generally a lot worse than the pain of just doing it.
- “I’ve had thousands of problems in my life, most of which have never happened.” Mark Twain, Author.
=> All of our problem are problems of the imagination AND all of our solutions are solutions of the imagination. Every behavior is created by imagination. Imagine how good the chocolate will taste (for a couple of mins max!) v. imagine how great you’ll feel after training (ALL day & beyond). Choose your focus wisely.
How often has a unique perspective, be it yours or from someone else, provided the solution when you thought you were completely stuck?
How much of your time do you spend focusing on the 90% of problems that will never actually happen?
- “Worrying does not empty tomorrow of it’s troubles. It empties today of it’s strength.” Corrie ten Boom.
=> If you’re creating mental obstacles about an event that may never happen, then you’re wasting energy and creating unnecessary stress and pain.
You’re too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.
- “I have learnt more from my failures than my successes.” Richard Branson, Business Magnate and Investor.
=> There’s nothing that can be done about the past – except learn from it – AND where appropriate, do things even better in the future.
10. “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.” Jim Rohn, Entrepreneur, Author and Motivational Speaker.
=> You can’t control making things easier, you do have absolute control over being better.
Challenges make us realize how important our goals are – “What am I willing to do to make this the way I want it?
11. “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde, Writer and Poet.
=> Stop competing with others and start competing with yourself.
It’s doesn’t matter where you’re starting from – it IS important to push yourself beyond what is ‘comfortable’, there will be no strolling on the fat blasting highway (!) …as with everything worth achieving, hard work is necessary.
12. “Everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein, Physicist.
=> We all are unique in our body-type, lifestyle and our abilities AND ALSO in our beliefs, passions and goals.
Don’t lose weight to conform to society’s ideal or meet someone else’s expectations. Be your healthiest you to live aligned with your individual beliefs and values and to make yourself proud.
Living to make YOURSELF proud is a pretty good way to finish todays show.
To get actionable today I’d love to hear you fav motivational quote? You can let me now via the comments below. In tomorrow’s show I’m sharing: How You Start Your Day Is How You Start The Rest Of Your Life.
For the next 2 weeks I’m publishing some Encore Episodes. So that’s 10 of the most downloaded episodes from the early days of Healthification… I hope you can join me to revisit some of my personal favs.
If you liked this you’ll also like: How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain.
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.