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There’s a characteristic that will have perhaps more impact on your success than anything else.
It’s a little under-the-radar though.
It can be taught however it’s not a quick-fix and it’s also not so sexy. In today’s weigh-in show, I’m covering: Genuine Resilience and Inspiring Tenacity.
Did you catch it?
However YOU chose to describe it, I’m sure you can think of the person that just does not give up. They have the courage, determination and just plan Heart to keep pushing for what is important to them. The ability to recover quickly from adversity.
The person with GRIT may be out-shown – initially – by the person with raw talent and natural skill… however long term, GRIT always comes up trumps.
I genuinely believe that.
Let’s tackle G.R.I.T. and how to build it, one letter at a time… you know I’m partial to the odd acronym!
G.enuine. Now this may seem less obvious however I belief it’s hard to have Grit for something you don’t genuinely care about.
Even if you do, it’s not always to your advantage. That’s the situation where perhaps the very best thing you can do is move on – change your focus – start fresh, because you don’t genuinely care enough to make the sacrifices worthwhile however EGO compels you to muscle on regardless.
So to get implementable: The first Grit Building Step is to get clear on your WHY for the action or relationship or belief you want to apply Grit to?
What will it give you or allow you to experience? For what purpose do you want to have Grit in this area and achieve this outcome?
R.esilience. We all know it’s easy to stick with it when everything is going well. When you’re in the first couple of weeks of a new eating plan and feeling full of motivation. You’re clear on your WHY and the scales are giving you encouraging feedback to make it relatively easy to keep taking those best eating and exercising actions.
However GRIT is a mindset game. It’s an attitude.
Grit kicks in when you take the right actions and DON’T see a result. Perhaps you even take the actions you believe to be right and see a negative result. That is the true test of Grit. Don’t be just a ‘good time friend’ to your body.
The second Grit Building Step is to pick yourself back up again from your inevitable setbacks and take that next step forward.
The thing that distinguishes those with Grit is not that they don’t have setbacks. It’s how quickly they try again after a setback.
I.nspiring. Seek out examples of the people with Grit that compel you to dig deep and give it your all. The proof that any adversity can be overcome when it’s important enough. That persistence beats pure talent, social-genetic-or-financial-advantage and luck.
The third Grit Building Step is to source your MENTOR to model and learn from.
The person you can relate to who’s further ahead on a similar journey to you or perhaps the person that has overcome hardship greater than you could possibly ever imagine.
There are so many example of these inspirational people out there and online makes it so easy to access them. You have no excuses.
I’d recommend putting some sort of structure into place to help ensure you seek regular inspiration from these mentors. If it’s not a system or habit it’s easy to fall out of practice.
T.enacity. Here’s where you need courage. The resolve and unrelenting persistence, the single-minded focus to keep pushing forward. To have the Grit to pursue the goal you genuinely care about.
Never to delude yourself that: “Hey, it doesn’t really matter that much to me” or convince yourself that: “Wow, that exciting shiny thing lurking just over there looks like a much faster-easier-more-fun thing to chase instead.”
It takes heart… courage… even vulnerability to step up and back yourself and say: “YES, this is really important to me and I’m willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes.”
The fourth Grit Building Step is to build your certainly in YOU by consciously focusing every single day on your reference points for success.
What’s ONE thing you rocked today – in relation to achieving your body gain goal?
Since I’ve sprinkled the implementable actions through-out todays show let’s finish today with a recap.
So to get actionable today, here are those 4 Grit Building Steps:
One: Get clear on your WHY for the action or relationship or belief you want to apply Grit to.
Two: Pick yourself back up again from your inevitable setbacks and take that ONE NEXT STEP forward.
Three: Source your MENTOR to model and learn from.
Four: Build your certainly in YOU by consciously focusing every single day on your reference points for success.
That’s it for me today. The Friday FAQ show this week is inspired by an email I recently received… I’m covering, Does Shedding Fat Get Harder As You Age?
What do you think? I hope you can join me for the Friday show.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Smart Simple Weight Loss: Align Your Goal.
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