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The Anti-Mentor.
This is the person you really don’t want to be. I think they are just as useful in fuelling your motivation to take the actions you know you need to take – to be the person you want to be – as the mentor you respect.
Whether your anti-mentor is Lazy. Self obsessed. Ungrateful. or just Negative, it’s fuel for you to not be like that.
The other even more emotionally compelling angle is the desire to not be an anti-mentor to someone else!
I’m having a bit of fun with todays show on the anti-mentor… today I’m sharing: Dracula’s Best Fat Loss Advice.
Dracula knows how to suck the life out of your best fat loss (Body Gain!) attempts.
Make fat blasting as easy as squeezing blood from a stone in 5 simple steps:
Step 1. Stay up late and sleep the early morning hours away.
Step 2. Fuel your body with dead food. Specifically consume assembly-line-processed-diet-fake-foods in severe calorie restricted quantities.
Step 3. Drive to the gym for a steady state cardio work out. Avoid sunlight and sweat at all costs.
Step 4. Rubbernecking. There’s a lot to check out during an exercise session. Split your focus to ensure you don’t miss anything.
Step 5. Dracula can suddenly vanish and reappear elsewhere. Copy this stop, start approach and you’ll get to repeat the hardest part of any new training regime again and again. Always give up before you reach the easy maintenance phase.
Now that we have Dracula’s ANTI-MENTOR advice covered he’s also got a couple of tips you CAN count on…
- Be ware of silver bullets.
The latest quick fix distracts from your simple, consistent daily health habits and will kill your results.
Each failed silver bullet attempt also gradually eats away at your faith in your ability to ever achieve your goal.
These are the simple effective daily habits to prioritise over silver bullets:
=> Get to bed earlier and wake up earlier… refreshed and ready to power onwards with your number one task of the day.
=> Fuel your body with natural one ingredient foods. Make the time to plan and prepare your meals. Build them around a generous, craving fighting, visually pleasing amount of rainbow coloured: fibrous veg. Next add muscle fuel: lean protein. Finish with some satisfying and blood sugar level stabilizing: good fat.
=> Incorporate incidental exercise into your daily routine where ever possible. Work at a high intensity in your structured training sessions… ideally, metabolic resistance training at least 2 times a week. My fav MRT combines lifting heavy weights with body weight exercises, performed circuit style with minimal recovery time to keep your heart rate racing.
=> Give your training session your 100% focus. The muscle mind connection is now proven, intensity is key and why would you want to make exercise take longer than it needs to? If you can chat or text while exercising you’re short changing yourself on results.
=> Decide on an approach that can fit in with your lifestyle and commit to it. Give it a chance to work and save yourself the heart-ache of giving up before you ever get to enjoy feeling fitter and looking leaner. The consistent daily health habits that will deliver your best results only get easier and maintaining the health you’ve worked so hard for is absolutely the easy phase.
- Superhuman strength rocks. Nurture your own super human strength.
=> Firstly, by lifting heavy weights – the most effective way to burn fat and choose your curves.
Here’s a link to some of my fav Fat Loss Moves To Choose Your Curves routines.
=> Secondly, by always backing yourself – to back yourself is to accept 100% responsibility and to take control of your life.
Instead of seeking certainty in the circumstances around, instead choose to have 100% certainty in yourself? That is strength… and Freedom.
Here’s a link to more about the ultimate BACK YOURSELF advantage you can give yourself.
To get actionable today, Do you have an anti-mentor that is somewhat draining, frustrating and just UN-fun to be around? Someone that is the perfect example of how you never want to be and yet not so easy to evict from your life?
Your action for today is to think of the way that anti-mentor can switch from frustration to fuel.
Perhaps they represent an opportunity to build your tolerance muscle or get even better at being present and focused in every interaction or possibly they just make you that much more inclined give your every exercise session your best effort.
The more creative you have to get the better!
That brings us to the end of this week in Healthification.
BIG thanks to you for rockin on and sharing this week with me.
Especially huge thanks to ‘Atomic Molecule’ who left me this iTunes review: ‘Actionable and Motivational’ A really great podcast. I love the sound quality and find the advice to be simple and easy to action. Thanks Kate for keeping me on my toes … Literally 😉
If you’d like to TOTALLY make my day AND help other people find Healthification please pop over to iTunes and leave me a review… that would be amazing and I’d super appreciate it.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Massive Mistakes & Tiny Tricks to Lean Living (stolen from Jumbo & Atom).
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.