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Today’s show is dedicated to your best holiday bod… and mine too.
I believe festive season fun, fitness and fat loss… CAN co-exist! In fact I wrote a super detailed post on exactly that which you’ll hear part 1 of in this Fridays FAQ #180 show followed by part 2 in next Mondays #181 show.
Today I want to stick to some simple yet healthy and delicious food ideas.
I’ll start with a caveat though. There’s healthy and then there’s healthy: please don’t take the word on face value. When I googled ‘Healthy Christmas Treats’ on a massive site I found an article that appalled me.
Titled ‘5 Healthy Christmas Treats to Make With Kids.’ I’m not a parent and I’m not buying in to whether kids should have sugar or not however I can’t fathom what component of the following recipe for xmas biscuits could possibly be healthy??
The only 3 ingredients:
1 (16.5-ounce) package refrigerated sugar cookie dough. 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons crushed hard peppermint candies. 3/4 cup powdered sugar.
I guess all I’m saying is be honest with yourself when choosing your holiday season treats because you can bet that not every big food company or even every small recipe blogger out there is going to be honest with you!
Before we start with the recipes I have two tips for your best holiday bod…
One: Never arrive at a party (even your own!) super hunger.
I’m not a fan of the whole ‘starve all day’ before a big event approach. If you’re over-hungry you’ll likely over-compensate with your party eating and a low of the food on offer is going to be high caloric density stuff.
Two: If you know a party is not going to be catered – or perhaps it’s just nibbles – then have an easy dinner ready for when you get home.
It’ll likely be late and you’ll be tired and the cereal or toasted sandwich may seem like a good option, it’s not though.
Onwards with those: Healthy Holiday Season Treats.
I’m focusing on pass-around STARTERS and SWEETS as I think main courses are the easiest to do well. When you’re being honest with yourself lean protein, a heap of fibrous veg and some good fat has limitless potential and does not need the heavy sauces, dressings, high caloric density sides and stodgy bread…
Let’s check out 3 STARTERS first and if you know me at all, you know I’m a bit of a lazy cook. In fact I’m more a fan of the throw together approach and as such I love a good:
- Antipasto platter. I have 2 approaches with this one.
First the stylish less is more option based around a wreath made of rosemary and decorated with green olives, buffalo mozzarella balls and cherry or sun-dried tomatoes.
Second the more is more option which is more my style when it comes to food where you take those festive colours green, red and white and run with whatever takes your fancy. Perhaps:
- Grilled zucchini slices and asparagus, olives, marinated artichoke, snow-peas, steamed broccolini.
- Cherry and sun-dried tomato, grilled red capsicum, roast beetroot, quality deli meat.
- Feta or goats cheese, stuffed hard boiled egg halves.
- Frittata. The awesome thing about a frittata is it can be made in advance and frozen, if you’re super organised. It’s also great eaten at anytime of day so leftovers will never be wasted.
Again it’s a chance to go festive with the colours. I use cauli instead of potato (just drain it well after steaming it as its pretty moist). To cauli, eggs and fresh herbs like oregano, basil and thyme I like to add a tablespoon of pesto and then any combo of asparagus, red capsicum, spinach, grated zucchini, red onion, spring onion. Optional extras include: garlic, chill, smoked paprika and to make it even more substantial hemp seeds.
As I’m a more is more chick – my preference would be all of the above in my frittata.
- Sushi. Perhaps this isn’t so traditionally festive however the colours can be just right so I couldn’t resist it. Here’s a link to my complete cauli-rice sushi recipe – however basically the ingredients look like this:
- Nori sheets.
- Cauliflower, sea salt and nutritional yeast to make the rice.
- Fillings as follow: kale pesto (or go with your own pesto), whole organic eggs cooked into an omelette with chili + smoked paprika + coconut oil, sliced avocado, sun-dried tomato, peels of asparagus, grated zucchini.
Now let’s check out those SWEETS.
I’m expecting that sweets may be the area in which you include those conscious indulgences. I actually think it’s just fine to enjoy a piece of Christmas cake or mince pie here and there if you LOVE them. What doesn’t work is when you just eat them becausee they are there and easy and it happens time and time again without volition.
Here are a couple of super simple options.
- Dark choc dipped fruit shapes.
This is where you take the cookie cutters that may previous been plunged into cookie dough and use them instead to cut shapes out of big slices of watermelon or honey dew melon. The leftover odd ends of fruit can be frozen and used up in smoothies. Dip one side of your fruit shape in melted dark choc (and by dark I mean something like Green and Black’s Dark – 85% Cacao) and allow to set.
- Fruit pops.
This isn’t my idea I saw it online and it looks gorgeous. It’s as simple as pureed red fruit like frozen strawberries, white yoghurt like greek and pureed green fruit like kiwi’s. Layer red, then white, then green in mini popsicle moulds and freeze for several hours. The additions to this recipe (curtesy of cuttingtinybites.com) are limitless. Here’s a link to the full recipe and the adorable pictures.
To get actionable today I’d love to know: Do you have any fav healthy and delicious food ideas you’re like to share? I’d love to hear them.
In tomorrows Wednesday Weigh-in show we continue with the holiday season theme when I ask: Are you subscribing to the BEAT Body or BEST Body mindset this holiday season?
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