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Last night I was intrigued enough to click on an article promising to reveal what the middle-class don’t understand about the wealthy. It covered 5 ways wealthy people think. I’ll link to the article in todays show notes however the thing that struck me was that every single point also applies to how the healthy think.
So in todays show I’m covering: 5 Things Wealthy and Healthy People Have In Common.
My caveat is that I’m going to refer to the self-made working wealthy not the silver-spoon entitled wealthy.
Onwards with 5 characteristics to cultivate:
One: Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable.
So far as health I see this play out a few ways… Firstly, to make progress with your exercise a degree of discomfort is necessary. Sad but true. You’re simply not going to saunter your way sweat-free, exertion-less and gracefully to a sexy, fit, lean body.
Equally, you’re going to have to push beyond your comfort zone. That old routine you’ve been following for months that you feel comfortable with? It needs to be progressed if you want to progress. And Yes, that progression will very likely lead you out of cardio land and onto the initially uncomfortable weights floor.
In addition, you really do need to let go of any desire to cling to a certain, guaranteed, comfortable approach with a set time frame. There are too many variables for guarantees. Uncertainty is unavoidable. The only valid guarantee is the one you make to YOURSELF that you will stick with it as long as it takes.
That you will do whatever it takes and gradually get comfortable pushing on through uncomfortable.
Two: Appreciate The Present and Dream About The Future.
There’s no value in living in the past. Acknowledge the learnings that perceived failings may offer yet don’t be held back – held STUCK – by past regrets.
Equally, believe that your best days are still to come.
For what purpose would you fixate on how “I used to be so skinny and I could eat whatever I wanted!” Less wishing and wanting what is past and more action taking to create what is yet to come. You can be your fittest, happiest, healthiest and wealthiest at any age.
Imagine and plan and act on your goals for the future. Be optimistic and back yourself.
Three: Be Confident.
When you spend time dreaming, planning and acting on the exciting future you’re creating there is a lot to be confident about. You’re making progress and gaining momentum.
Equally, the reverse is true. Be brutal in banishing the thoughts that weasel their way into your mind with the sole purpose of diminishing your self belief and resolve to achieve your goal.
As Henry Ford said: “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”
Actually I’m going to upgrade ‘be confident’ to ‘have Self Certainty’. Although some people may naturally seem to have an abundance of at times obnoxious confidence – self certainty that more attractive, genuine, calm sense of self can be cultivated.
Each step you take towards achieving your goal is one more reference point for success. Acknowledge it and build on it.
Four: Believe Health Is About Freedom.
Of course achieving your ideal body can mean many things. Physical and Emotional Heath. Energy. Confidence. Being a great Role Model. However, it is absolutely also about FREEDOM.
It gives you choices you may not have had access to previously. Options and the capacity to maximise them.
Whatever freedom means to you it’s pretty compelling fuel to help you keep taking the actions you need to take to achieve your health goal.
In anything that’ll take hard work, persistence and sacrifices to achieve, as both (self-made) wealth and ongoing health do, you’re going to need some emotionally charged fuel to pull you through the inevitable struggle-street times.
Health EQUALS the FREEDOM to:
=> Spend quality time with the people you love most… and be a part of their lives for as long as possible.
=> Work hard and play hard… or at least as hard as you want to. To have the energy to grab those opportunities.
=> Feel confident (self certain!) in whatever you wear 24/7 365 days a year… and waste no energy obsessing over the latest fad this, quick UN-fix that or stressing about how you should get your eating and exercising on track.
In short Health equals Freedom to me… either can be taken for granted, unappreciated and even ignored.
You may not realise what you’ve got until it is taken away. When you don’t have Health or Freedom nothing is more important.
Five: Monitor Your Circle Of Influence.
In the long term health and body gain game the people you spend the most time with will either help or hinder you. There’s really no neutral.
Are they a positive, supportive influence?
Or are their beliefs, thoughts, actions and habits gradually influencing yours and making average and normal appear acceptable? As I covered in show #018 fit and healthy is now officially ABS-ha!-normal.
You don’t need to judge other peoples choices however you have every right – and responsibility – to make your own and to stand firmly by those choices without a shred of guilt or self consciousness.
Whether you’ve been your ideal health and shape long term and the people you spend time with now expect those slightly abs-normal choices you make OR even if you’ve only just decided to prioritise your health… either way, timeframes and current results are irrelevant – it’s your body, your future results and always YOUR CHOICE.
It must be about the time of the actionable!
In relation to your best health which of these 5 characteristics to cultivate most jumps out at you for the implementing?
To recap they are:
One: Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable.
Two: Appreciate The Present and Dream About The Future.
Three: Have Self Certainty.
Four: Believe Health Is About Freedom.
Five: Monitor Your Circle Of Influence.
Personally, I’m currently throwing a little more attention at getting better at being uncomfortable… it doesn’t come so naturally to this former certainty seeking control freak!
Whenever I waiver I think of the person I least respect who’s absolutely entrenched in staying comfortable and that gives me a good jolt out of my comfort zone!
Ok, over to YOU.
If you’re up you sharing the characteristic you’re going to work on you can let me know via the comments below.
That’s it for today. In tomorrows Thursday Training show I cover: 24/7 Fat Loss: Weights is like a Passive Income. I hope you can join me.
If you liked this you’ll also like: How Certainty In Yourself Helps Beat Weight Loss Overwhelm.
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