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I love the fact that over the years I’ve had the privilege to train & more so, get to know so many professionals that master their craft. I’ve noticed their success in business is uncannily applicable to achievement in fat loss.
With that in mind in todays show I’m sharing: 7 Strategies To Turn Business Mastery Into Body Mastery.
#1 Tackle Your Most Important Task 1st
As with business it’s imperative to execute the discipline to ‘eat that frog’ first (as Brian Tracy would say) – better to JUST DO IT rather than just look at it, especially if it’s a tad ugly!
To get specific and actionable (I’m going to sprinkle the ‘action-ables’ through-out todays show and I’d love you to pick THE ONE that is most applicable to you to implement this week)
=> DO the thing that will propel you towards your goal first thing each day. When you get your exercise done at ‘stupid o’clock‘ you get to ride the endorphin high & know that you’ve started your day by keeping your commitment to yourself.
If you struggle with powering into your morning I covered: How To Become A Morning Person in show #110.
#2 Do More Than Your J.O.B.
So J.O.B. = Just Off Broke in career talk & Just On Bare-arse-minimum in fat loss talk. The world is already full of people who nail the bare arse minimum
If you want fantastic results it’s going to take more than J.O.B… the question to ask: “Are the experiences that you AND all those you love get to enjoy once your achieve your goal worth it?”
=> Just On Bare-arse-minimum is going through the motions with your work-out… more than is progressing your program wherever and whenever you can.
If you’re not sure if you’re working hard enough I have you covered in show #089: Do You Need To Train Harder?
#3 Model Success
Need I say more?
Lie down with dogs = get up with fleas AND the reverse rings true too.
If you could learn via your own extended experience or let the mistakes & conquests of others pave your fast fat loss path…well there’s really no option as to the quickest & most effective way to go.
Slight side note… I’m massive on the concept of there is no failure only feedback however whenever you have the opportunity to NOT experience failure and just progress straight to learning from other peoples feedback then that is whole lot more fun right?
=> Choose the person to model who has not only the results but also the lifestyle you would most love AND would ALSO be able to maintain consistently. So, when choosing your model it’s important to acknowledge if you want their results you need to be willing to commit to the actions they prioritise too.
#4 Do Not Tell F.I.B’s
It is absolute nonsense to bend the truth whether it’s your reputation with yourself or with others that you’re sacrificing.
A Fib is accumulative – each one to yourself, such as: “I’ll start my ‘diet’ fresh on Monday” builds on the last F.I.B. or Forget I Believe.
It will erode away at your self esteem to the point where it’s safer to just not even risk trying again.
Your reputation with YOU is vital.
=> What is one area of achieving your body gain goal where you’ve being telling F.I.B.s? It’s better to lower the bar just a bit, perhaps “I’ll start with awesome breakfasts TOMORROW” and stick to it rather than sacrifice your reputation with you.
Equally, each time you come through for you – and eat that awesome breakie – then it’s important to acknowledge that small win, that reference point for success you just created.
#5 Choose Your Mood
The victim of circumstance in business is at effect & at the mercy of the events that happen TO them.
The power to choose your mood is taking control of your thoughts => which will then guide your decisions => which will then lead to your actions => which will then create your results.
Choose Your Mood is effective in every area of life & is particularly potent if your fat loss attitude is in strife.
=> What is one situation or person that up until now you’ve been letting flick your moodiness switch on?
Ha, it’s funny that as I write this, I’m also thinking of that person! Ok, so for both of us from today on, that situation or that person is no longer the green light for moodiness – it’s not fun and it’s not effective or efficient… lets both just see it as an opportunity to build our tolerance muscle ok?
I wrote this post on 4 Ways to Choose Your Mood:
#6 Take the 80/20 Approach
In business the ‘Pareto Principle’ involves identifying the top 20% that brings in 80% of your results & concentrating your efforts there. In short, not working harder but working smarter & prioritizing being effective over merely being busy.
Firstly, out of everything you could be doing to achieve your fat loss goal – what are the top 20% most effective things to prioritise? Top of my list of non-negotiables would be:
=> ensuring the fridge is stoked with quality, clean food.
=> cooking a weekly batch of dinners.
=> locking in your weights sessions each week.
Secondly, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the idea of eating & exercising to plan 100% of the time – this is what leads to an inconsistent start, stop approach & results that are inconsistent at best & more likely non-existent. A simple rule of thumb is to eat & train effectively 80% of the time.
#7 Respond Rapidly to Only a Small Amount of Feedback
Best to nip a challenge in the bud before it has a chance to escalate.
The questions to ask:
“Is there is value in dealing with this?” (i.e: clothes feeling a tad tighter)
“Will it get easier with time/procrastination?” (likely not!)
“Will it fix itself?” (very likely not!!)
Ok, you’re thinking about that feedback situation right now I hope?
Whether it’s the tighter clothes… the momentum you have building with missed exercise sessions… perhaps the habit you’re forming with some treat food that keeps sneaking into your daily routine???
=> Why let it grow (literally) into a far greater more daunting challenge – it’s time to raise your standards, take action immediately & go forth & conquer!
As I mentioned up front – I’d love for you to decide on one of the 7 strategies to get actionable with this week.
That brings us to the end of this week in Healthification and talking support…
Super huge thanks to you for your support and for sharing this week with me.
This week an extra big THANK YOU to Shannon from the US who writes:
This is a great podcast that is not only full of valuable information, but very well thought out, and organized.
Shannon, I appreciate your review big time, thank you.
If you liked this you’ll also like: 24/7 Fat Loss, Lifting Weights Is Like A Passive Income
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