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Last week one of my dear clients asked me: How Quickly Can I Lose My Belly Fat?
So, because this has got to be one of the most common questions I get asked it’s the focus for todays FAQ show. However fair warning: I won’t lie to you and suggest a timeframe… there really isn’t one.
I can 100% give you both the steps to take and the mindset you need to bring to the table to lose your belly fat for good however the timeframe will be dependant on these 3 factors:
One: How Focused Are You Going To Be?
=> Thats so far as your food and your alcohol FIRST and absolutely without a shadow of a doubt most importantly. If you don’t believe abs or even the flat belly is made in the kitchen then I calculate your chances of ever getting either as around 0.02%.
=> Also so far as your exercise.
=> Equally vitally, your sleep.
Two: How Much Do You Have To Lose?
Perhaps you’re like my client, who happens to be in awesome shape. She really is fit, lean and well defined… however, she tells me she’s unhappy with her belly.
I can’t see the offending belly however I know it must be there as it’s important enough for her to finally cut back on her pasta consumption and even her wine.
(more on both soon!)
Back to YOU, a couple of factors to consider are:
A) Are we talking a couple of kilo’s that came to hang out over the past few weeks… OR
B) Is there a whole lot more that’s been steadily, stubborning spreading for a matter of months and years?
(that’s as close to a timeframe hint as we’re going to get)
Three: How Much Do You Have To Change?
So this is the one time when bad habits are helpful… well, in that if you’ve got lot to change – and you change them! – I’m excited to see your results.
My client is partial to daily processed carbs – not chocolate and biscuits, however still cereal, bread and pasta AND daily white wine.
She trains 3 hours prodominately weights a week.
So on the food front she’s got a bit to play with so far as upgrades:
=> perhaps swapping cereal for an omelette or dairy-free-protein-enhanced-smoothie.
=> ditching a sandwich in favour of a substantial, protein rich salad.
=> trading in her pasta dinners with vino for fish (or meat if she ate it) and veg at least Monday-Friday.
On the exercise front she’s got less to play with so far as upgrades:
=> definitely incorporating some high intensity interval training.
=> perhaps working at a higher intensity in her weights sessions.
Back to YOU, how does your food and exercise stack up?
Let’s get super specific with 5 best case scenario steps to take and also the mindset that makes it possible….
1. Go a step beyond eating less carbs and ditch ALL PROCESSED CARBS except for your glorious cheat meal each week.
The mindset to bring to the table: focus on what you’re GIVING your body rather than restriction. Add as many filling fibrous veg to each meal as you can.
2. Go a step beyond reading labels to NO LABELS.
The mindset to bring to the table: one ingredient foods are your flat belly friends. Seek out the highest QUALITY one ingredient foods you can access to build your meals… and view that processed crap-o-la as the rubbish that races straight to your belly.
It really does. I don’t care how skinny someone is the state of their belly will tell the story of the fuel they choose to feed their body.
3. Go a step beyond lifting heavy weights and choose all UNSUPPORTED MOVEMENTS.
These are the most high value bang for your fat burning buck exercise and also the exercise that demand the most of your abdominal muscles.
=> Movements like squats and lunges rather than the leg press or leg extension.
=> Push ups, pull ups, chin ups and barbell rows rather than bench press and supported rows.
=> Standing shoulder press rather than seated.
The mindset to bring to the table: the harder your body works during your work-out the more fat you burn both during and more excitingly also after you finish training. FOCUS on your belly getting flatter with every
repetition. I’m serious – that’s what I’m thinking so far as my thighs (!) – the mind muscle connection has been proven and you also need to focus on what you want rather than what you want to avoid…
4. Go a step beyond more cardio and make it HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING.
The mindset to bring to the table: as above, I know it’s not fun however your choice is to focus on the pain or to focus on how much you want the RESULT.
If it’s any help, even the hard stuff will get easier – or more so you’ll get better at handling the discomfort, at focusing your attention on the many benefits and at playing the mind games with yourself that make your decision to exercise and exercise at a high intensity easy even if the actual process may not be easy.
5. Go a step beyond the best meal on the menu and ask for ADJUSTMENTS to make the best meal better.
For example: best might be fish with a baked potato and salad instead of fries. Asking for green veg instead of the spud and salad – any green veg – is going to be an even better option that lets you escape needless spud-carbs and also less likely to fill up on dessert as you might after just the light salad.
The mindset to bring to the table: what you feed your body is a JUDGEMENT-FREE zone. It’s your right and responsibility to ask politely for what you want.
The simple fact is the vast majority of people do not have a flat belly. So earning yours will take a willingness to stand out from the crowd at times and be the odd one out.
Time to make today actionable.
Is there a flat belly tip jumping out at you for the implementing? Or, do you have one to share that I haven’t covered? You can let me know via the comments below.
That brings us to the end of this week in Healthification.
A super huge thanks to you for your support and for sharing this week with me.
If you’ve enjoyed this show and gotten value out of it I’d super appreciate it if you pop over to iTunes and leave me a review. It helps other people find Healthification and it really does inspire me to power on with the daily episodes.
This week an extra big THANK YOU to amysthename73 from the United States who writes:
Wow! What a great podcast. Thanks for such a well done podcast. I like that these shows are quick, helpful, thoughtfully written, and punctual. I also like that Kate injects the perfect amount of humor and anecdotes into her shows. Thanks again, and keep them coming!
Amy, it means so much that you took the time to let me know you’re enjoying the show. Thank you so very much.
If you liked this you’ll also like: 5 Exercises For A Flab Free Belly:
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