“I’ll do double on Friday.”
My clients laugh at my MINIMAL and self-imposed weekly cardio requirements.
However, I’ll still often miss my 9 mins on The Stepper on ‘intervals-after-weights-Monday’ because I’ll do it on ‘long-walk-day-Wednesday’ or even double on ‘intervals-only-Friday’.
“I’ll eat half tomorrow.”
=> Double nuts for morning tea? …that fine, I’ll skip the avocado at lunch.
=> Red wine tonight? …no problem, I can go alcohol free Friday.
=> Bread for breakie? …I’m on holiday, I’m back to omelettes in a couple of days.
Borrowing From Tomorrow is when you convince yourself it’s ok to leave that important task to tomorrow.
There are many benefits to our awesome ability to reason – although it also means we can reason ourself right out of a taking a beneficial action and deny ourself the chance to enjoy a sort after result.
If it doesn’t get done it affects your results.
Beyond that you’re lying to yourself & eating away at your credibility. Your reputation with yourself.
Do you see yourself as someone who follows through?
Can you rely on you?
The fact is each time you let yourself down you erode a little bit of your self esteem and you make it a little bit easier to let yourself down again.
The law of recency states that the more recently you take an action the more likely you are to repeat that action.
For better or for worse.
If you want to stop borrowing from tomorrow here is your quick & actionable solution:
1. What did you put off ’til tomorrow’ yesterday that you haven’t done today?
2. Is this a habit?
3. Is there value in doing it?
4. Will delaying it make it easier?
5. Will it just ‘do itself’ if you ignore it?
I’ve just completed this for 3 biz tasks that keep making my ‘tomorrow’ list. Choose however many is achievable for you to start with.
Once you’ve decided there is value in doing your task – TODAY – here are some ideas to help you take that next step:
A) Focus on the Pleasure.
What will the end result achieved by consistently taking this action allow you to enjoy?
How will you feel the instant you finish today’s task – to start the day as you mean to continue & keep your commitment to yourself?
B) Focus on the Pain.
What will happen if you continue down this current path?
In 3 months?
In 6 months?
2 years from now, if you don’t make a change, what will this mean to you & to those you love?
What does the person you really don’t respect do? That person that has the attitude, the results, the life you absolutely do not want. How do they act, and how important is it to not be like them?
C) Model Success.
What does your ideal version of you do when faced with this task? Your ideal fit, healthy, successful YOU… what choice do they make?
The person who already has the results you’re seeking… what do they do?
D) Set a Timer.
So simple it’s easy to discount however I recommend you try it. Set a timer for a really achievable period of time & if its an action you need to take: just start.
I like 20 mins. Super doable. The timer creates a sense of focus & urgency. Also a security in knowing you’re not stuck at it for too long.
If its something you want to avoid (eating those leftovers) then set your timer & just hold off for that short period of time. Then reassess if you really want it. It’s amazing how often you can ride out the desire.
Oh, and if there isn’t value – or not enough value to warrant the opportunity cost of whatever you need to give up to free up the time, energy & perhaps money for each ‘tomorrow task’ then, this is your chance to let it go. As long as something keeps making your ‘to do’ list it’s consuming your energy (for no result!)
So if you decide there’s not enough value: Let It Go.
You’ll have even more energy for everything that is important enough to you.