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In todays Thursday Training show I’m sharing a few of the tricks I use to get myself to push on through a workout when maybe it’s the end of the week and to be honest: The Thought Of Training Is Sounding A Little Struggle-Street!
Generally I LOVE to train.
I feel grateful that I can. I focus on the results. I see it as precious ‘Me Time’.
However sometimes… and I know you can relate (!) sometimes even when you take those first few steps or lift those first few reps your training mojo is still a little slow.
These are the times when you need to get crafty.
To deploy a few tactics to help ensure you don’t give in to struggle-street and give up on you and your planned session.
Step one: Give yourself a set starting time and finish time.
For today’s awesome back, chest and core workout it’s one hour. That’s generous. It’s aligned with my belief that exercise is precious, self indulgent, Me Time.
Go with whatever works for you, however decide and commit before you start. A playlist for that set time can help. No song skipping! I just like good tunes and a clock.
Step two: Have a set program in mind before you start.
I’ll share mine with you in a moment. The key is to again commit before you start. No scuttle’ing off to mindlessly meander in cardio-land because lifting weights is harder and requires focus. Your best body deserves your full focus and Yes, it requires some hard work too.
I’m just being honest. You don’t need to wreck yourself and hate every session. In fact I’m going to bet you’ll grow to like even love most sessions as you start to see results. You do need to be ok with getting a little uncomfortable though.
Uncomfortable in the gym to be SUPER comfortable in (or out of!) your clothes – fair deal right?
Here’s that awesome back, chest and core workout:
A)1. Hoop Chin
A)2. DB Chest Press.
It’s a pyramid from 8 repetitions of each to 1 repetition of each. So 8 chins followed by 8 press’s, then 7 and 7 and so on.
=> Here’s the catch. I can’t do 8 unassisted hoop chins right now. I can do about 6. And only occasionally can I do 8 reps with my heaviest DB chest press. By the way this works with assisted chins – just choose a super tough weight for YOU.
Each time I don’t hit my chin up goal I do 12 sumo in out jump squats for the number of reps I don’t get.
So if I get 6 chins I have to do 24 sumo in outs penalty before I move on the chest press.
Each time I don’t hit my chest press goal I do 12 renegade rows for the number of reps I don’t get.
So if I get 7 presses I have to do 12 renegade rows penalty before I move back to my next set of 7 chins.
Do you like it??
Perhaps not during however it makes you give it your best… it game-i-fies the workout which is:
Step three: Get Your Game-i-fy On!
Incorporate an element of getting competitive (perhaps trying to get more reps in the same time) or a penalty (like my sumo squats and renegade rows) or perhaps just a pattern (like the pyramid) that you will feel inclined to stick too.
Now this is actually a good workout as is. However I committed to one hour of precious, self indulgent, Me Time… so I’m powering on. Are you with me?
B)1. Wide Grip Assisted Chin-up. 6 reps.
B)2. Push up with your feet elevated on a bench. 8 reps.
B)3. Wide Grip Barbell Bentover Row. 10 reps.
B)4. Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown. 12 reps.
B)5. Oblique V-up. 12 reps.
B)6. Roll-out. 10 reps.
B)7. Side Plank Elbow To Knee Tap, Hip Dip and Toe Tap. 8 reps each side.
B)8. Side Plank Weighted Hip Dip and Under. 6 reps each side.
B)8, the old ‘Side Plank Weighted Hip Dip and Under’ is new. Starting from the side plank position hold a 3-5 kilo dumbbell in your top arm straight above you. Now dip your hip to touch the group 3 times. That arms stays steady. Now Rotate that top arm down and under your torso as far as you can – you’re aiming to get your torso parallel to the ground – and now rotate back to that starting position with the arm straight out above you. That’s ONE rep. I need 6 reps each side. They are tough.
They’ll also visual so although the full work-out video lives inside my membership The Body Gain Lifestyle – I’ll take some screen shots and add them to this post if you let me know you’d like to see them in the comments below. So hit me up ok?
So the 8 exercises that make up Part B are to be performed circuit style. 2-3 circuits. Dependant on the time you committed to before you started this precious, self indulgent, YOU Time. 🙂
That’s it.
To get actionable today, I’m not getting creative.
This is tomorrow’s workout and I’m feeling a little daunted thinking of it!!! I guarantee I’ll make it happen though. So back to YOUR action step… Give this workout a whirl!
If there’s anything you’re not sure of just leave me a comment in the comments and I’ll provide you with an explanation or alternative.
That’s it for me today. I hope you can join me tomorrow for the Friday FAQ show where I cover, Smart Simple Fat Loss: Align Your Goal.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Fat Loss Discipline: Your most important training session this week.
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.