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If you’re anything like me the main thing that stops you from taking action is NOT a lack of ideas.
It’s not that you have no idea what to do. It’s more that you have too many ideas what to do.
Even that there are so many ideas… such a multitude of conflicting advice… that it’s really tempting to try a little bit of this approach, mixed with a dash of that approach and also a tad of the sexy shiny thing just over there as well.
It’s a strategy destined to flop.
Todays show:
How To Conquer Indecision
is inspired by the team at fizzle.co so 100% credit to them for their Decision Matrix that I’ve taken and made applicable to your body gain goal.
The decision matrix involves 5 ratings by which you evaluate a potential solution / course of action.
I’m getting a little ahead my myself though.
First step is to brainstorm ideas:
What will help you reach your goal?
The normal rules of brainstorming apply, and that means: zero rules, zero judgment. Anything goes, just get it all down on paper.
So let’s say you have a body gain goal that involves shedding a few (or a lot of) kilos. Those ideas might be:
Join a gym / Hire a personal trainer / Join an outdoor training group / Join an online forum / Go for a walk first thing every morning / Start planning your meals and focusing on one ingredient, whole foods.
Perhaps even download and commit to my FREE 7 Day Body Gain Course!
(I’m serious!)
Any of these ideas could be your solution.
And each of these ideas will be a billion times more sustainable than a detox / meal replacement shakes / severe caloric restriction.
BUT which one do you choose???
The next step is to:
Evaluate your ideas, and this is where the Decision Matrix is helpful.
So you’ve got your extensive, un-judged list of potential solutions to help you achieve your goal. Let’s filter them through the nifty Decision Matrix.
Step one. Choose your preferred medium: Paper / Computer / Whiteboard and list all the potential solutions as individual rows down the left hand side.
Step two. Add columns along the top for each of these 5 ratings: Likelihood / Speed / Cost / Interest / Impact.
To dig a little deeper…
Likelihood, means will you do it / how likely is it to happen?
Speed, means how long will it take / how realistic or sustainable is it?
Cost, means what’s the investment / how doable and sustainable is that investment?
Interest, means how into it are you / will you get bored easily?
Impact, is vital. It means if Likelihood, Speed, Cost and Interest all pass well then when you execute: What will your results / return on investment (that’s time, money, energy and opportunity cost) actually be?
Step three. Do the numbers! Here’s how: Rate Likelihood, Speed, Cost and Interest on a scale 1 – 5.
5 is the best.
So if your plan of attack is to join an outdoor training group several times a week and you feel it’s hugely unlikely that you’ll be able to that, then your Likelihood rating might be 1/5.
Still doing the numbers: Now add up your scores for Likelihood, Speed, Cost and Interest AND multiple them by IMPACT.
You’ll need to do this for every potential solution AND then make a start on the one with the highest score.
If you’re thinking WOW Kate that sounds like a whole lot of energy well:
A). How much energy do you waste not deciding?
At least when you’re putting time into the deciding process you’re making progress.
You’re ruling out options and getting clear on your most viable / attractive / effective options.
B). How much respect do you have for the person who is completely indecisive?
I’m referring here to the value of the anti-mentor. That person you really don’t want to be.
Your anti-mentor may be a whole-HUGE-amount less fun to hang with than a mentor however they are just as valuable!
To get actionable today lets get decisive with the first step, to brainstorm ideas: What will help you reach your goal?
I’d aim for a minimum of 10 ideas.
If one of them happens to be jumping on board with my free 7-day body gain course – and if the course fares well in your rating of Likelihood / Speed / Cost / Interest / Impact then awesome (!) you’ll find it easily at strongbodygreenplanet.com
That’s it for me today. Here’s to your decisive Body Gaining! I hope you can join me for the Friday show where I cover: 7 Gifts Your Body Will Thank You For.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Will Power: 6 Steps to Build Your Self Control Muscle. (part 2.)
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