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Do you remember when plane flights used to be fun?
Perhaps they still are for you although I know now I’m more focused on the destination. The flight is just a part of the process, generally an opportunity to get some writing done… certainly nothing to be excited by.
As a child a plane flight – usually to see the grandparents in Aus, was super exciting. It meant some treat food for the plane… That little kids coloring book kit you used to get… Soft drink and nuts… A plane meal… I really did enjoy the journey.
That is until I got stuck in the airplane loo one time and developed a bit of an airplane toilet phobia… aside from that little hiccup…
In today’s show let’s cover why it’s important to: Enjoy The Journey.
One of the things that helps me drag myself out of my natural destination focus is the idea of an Ideal Every Day. This is a term possibly first popularized by Frank Kern.
It involves designing your average, normal, every day to be your Ideal Every Day.
So you’re not waiting till you lose that 10 kilos or get that dream job or meet that ideal partner. You get to live your ideal day every single day.
That’d be a pretty sure fire way to enjoy the journey right?
If this idea sounds a little idealistic… well,
A). I am a little idealistic and
B). You CAN work a little bit of ideal into your every day.
That’s the focus for today’s podcast.
I have 3 steps to help you design your ideal every day and enjoy the journey to achieving your body gain goal:
Step one: How Does Your Ideal Every Day Look?
You’ve got to know what you’re working towards. Even if it’s not all possible yet. Some of it will be.
I’m going to use my mum as an example here. So mum’s starting working again recently and although she’s really enjoying it, going from retired to full time work has had a big impact on the daily exercise she used to enjoy. She’s gone from exercising 5-6 days a week to once a week.
Back to YOU. When and how you exercise is only one component of your ideal every day however it’s enough to illustrate the point. Now, perhaps you’re crying out: “But Kate exercise most certainly does NOT factor in my ideal day!”
I warned you I’m an idealist. The fact is exercise is a necessity. It’s also a fact that you can find a type of exercise that you enjoy… or at the very least that you enjoy the results for doing it.
I’m going to incorporate the time of the actionable throughout today’s show so your actionable item here is: To get clear on your ideal every day INCLUDING the exercise it involves.
Consider: the time you get up, the meals you eat, the work you do, the people you spend time with and the time you get to bed.
Step two: How Can You Incorporate Some Aspects Into Your Current Routine?
Once you’re clear on what you’re working towards you’re in a position to work in some components. Idealistic Kate is going to suggest starting with some exercising action.
Back to my mum as the example. She really misses yoga, which she can do at home and she needs 45 minutes for a good session. If at all possible the morning is the best time to work in your exercise because life can happen in the evening… and you’re playing with a full discipline tank in the morning.
For your second action step…
Consider: the things you are currently doing that do not factor in that ideal every day you just designed. Those things that perhaps someone else can do. Or that even perhaps you can let go of altogether. Things you can stop doing so that you can instead start doing a couple more things from your ideal every day.
My mum spends a good 45 minutes a week ironing and also watering the garden. Thats 2 potential yoga sessions! Since my dad doesn’t work he really could take over those tasks for her. He has an extra 35 hours in his week. She has to ask him though…
Step three: What Are You Looking Forward To TODAY?
So this is more about working in an awareness of and appreciation for what is already working.
The things you already have to be grateful for in relation to your every day and enjoying the journey.
The thing is you’ll only persist with the journey long term if it’s enjoyable. And if we’re talking about the body gain journey then it’s absolutely a long term proposition. Regardless of the time frame it takes you to achieve your body gain goal – keeping it – maintaining that body is a life long (a lifestyle) commitment.
There are so many things to look forward to and be grateful for every single day.
For your final action step…
Consider: perhaps your first coffee. The sense of satisfaction when you complete your workout. The podcast you enjoy on your walk. The conversation you have with the family at dinner time. The book you read 15 minutes of before bed.
It’s your choice on how big something needs to be to warrant looking forward to.
Does it need to be a 3 week vacation to the Maldives? Or perhaps could it just be your first gorgeous sip of liquid gold each morning?
I’ll finish today’s show with a quote from an unknown author: “If we do not feel grateful for what we already have, what makes us think we’d be happy with more?”
That brings us to the end of todays show. I’ll be back tomorrow with the Tuesday Tucker show and: The NoMEx Diet.
If you liked this you’ll also like: A Day In The Life Of An Effective Fat Loss Mindset.
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.