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If you’ve known me through Healthification or the strongbodygreenplanet.com blog for any period of time you’ll know I put a lot on emphasis on Mindset.
In fact I used to believe that in any body composition goal it came down to 80% food and 20% exercise. Now I’m certain that prior to that it’s a matter of 100% mindset… and Yes, I was never all that awesome at maths!
Today’s FAQ show is looking at emotional fitness, specifically: 5 Things To Believe About YOU.
Regardless of the approach you favour with your food and your exercise whether you actually follow though with any program, or nutrition strategy long term will be dependant on the way you think.
Creating the MINDSET that makes your best body choices easy and sustainable.
The first thing you absolutely need to believe about YOU is:
One: I Am capable of achieving my goal and creating a body I love.
The deceptive and tricky thing with this belief is it can be tough to really imagine and truly believe this if you haven’t been there yet. Or even if the way it used to be when you had the body and the health you would most love was a long time ago and potentially has been clouded by many unsuccessful attempts since.
It’s really normal to be drawn back to the examples of what didn’t work and the evidence to support not being able to do it. However the belief you need to cultivate is 100% certainty in yourself and your ability.
If describing how you want it to be does not yet come naturally and easily then it simply needs practice.
Get good at communicating how you want it to be. And get absolutely rubbish at communication how you don’t want it to be!
I’m going to sprinkle your action steps through-out todays show so time to get actionable:
=> Every day write down ONE thing you did well in relation to achieving your health goal. Everything counts. Slowly these reference points for success will build and with them so to will your belief in your ability to be the person that takes the actions that gets to have the results.
Two: I Am a priority in my life. My health is worthy of the time, money and energy it takes to maintain and maximise.
It’s amazing what you can prioritise over your health. I’ve even done it myself – and this is my career!
I guess the simple question is, if something is important enough to make you miserable if it were taken from you, then it’s important enough to NOT take for granted.
=> If you haven’t already, grab 3 HOURS – that’s the bare minimum – to give each week to your health. In show #059 I detail: Your Ideal Training Plan. It shows you how to get and how to spend that time to make your health a priority in your life.
Three: I Am a person who will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to achieve my goal and create a body I love.
Some things in life come easy and some don’t. The simple fact is we all have the things that require more work than we would love. That can be frustrating and uncertain and it may not seem fair.
However I will guarantee to you, when you decide to do whatever it takes and stick with it as long as it takes you 100% will succeed.
=> Decide on the ONE next non-negotiable to add to your daily routine. The thing you’e not doing yet that you know will have the most impact once you stick to it.
Four: I Am willing and able to ask for help when I need it.
Some of us have this fierce yet at times limiting belief that I can handle it myself, ALWAYS. As much as I’m massive on personal responsibility I’m learning – slowly – that all the really big things, the tough battles take team work.
Even if it’s possible to do it yourself, for what purpose would you ever choose to take longer, make more mistakes and jump over more hurdles if there’s a faster, easier option?
Maybe it’s pride. Or fear of rejection. Perhaps you just don’t want to put anyone else to trouble. Maybe you don’t know who is the best person to ask or perhaps you’ve been misled in the past… I’m learning that it’s worth the risk to keep reaching out.
=> What can I help you with in relation to achieving your health goal? It’d be my absolute pleasure and I’m sure most other people you turn to will feel the same way. Please leave your question in the show comments for today.
Five: I Am flexible enough to change what’s not working and down with ditching ego and changing my mind when I get better information.
What is it with hanging on to those ineffective actions and beyond that un-resourceful thoughts and beliefs that have not worked in the past and will not work in the future. Is it laziness or better the devil you know?
Perhaps a component is ego and not wanting to admit that you’ve changed your mind.
Flexibility is a skill that can be learnt – and it’s going to help you out of many a difficult situation. Conversely ego is bound to get you into many a difficult situation… yes, again I speak from experience, this is absolutely a to-work-on for me.
=> What is ONE thing that isn’t working for you, yet you’ve stayed stuck rigidly insisting you can make it work? Perhaps keeping chocolate in the house because you’ll be able to stick to just 2 squares or maybe you’re still a believer in the fat-free approach to nutrition and fearful that trading your cereal, yoghurt and pasta for eggs, nuts and avocado is going to super-size your body. I spent years in-flexible so far as many nutrition FACTS I now believe to be FICTION:
Initially when I became aware of the new info I did think “But this is counter to everything I’ve done and everything I’ve told my clients. Does changing my approach mean I was wrong… that I don’t know everything?”
Just thinking it through solidified that:
A). It’s ok to be wrong as long as your intention is always genuine and
B). At any given time you’re doing your best with the information you have available to you and unless you’re living isolated and ignorant you’re going to get better information from time to time… and that’s a good thing.
So there you have it, 5 Things To Believe About YOU and 5 action steps to help build the belief.
I’d love to hear your personal beliefs that have helped you excel in the areas of your life in which you are currently experiencing the most success. I have a feeling they are going to be as equally applicable to your health goal as these 5 things are applicable to any area of your life.
That’s it for another week in Healthification.
This week we hit the 10,000 download mark for this podcast. Firstly I’d like to thank YOU for making that happen. Secondly I’d like to share my goal, of 10,000 downloads an episode – rather than total – I have big appreciation for where Healthification is right now and also big goals for where I would most love it to be.
So, if you know anyone who might benefit from this daily show please share the Healthification love with them… I’d super appreciate it.
If you liked this you’ll also like: The 5 Things You Need To Believe About Yourself To Lose Weight.
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.