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I’m going to take a gamble and say there’s something YOU know to be true about yourself… something you’ve known for years.
It’s just the way you are. It’s something about you that really holds you back so far as achieving your body gain goal.
In fact, I’d go so far to say it’s a HUGE-heavy-energy-eating-burdensome-ball-and-chain-clamped around your ankle.
You drag it everywhere. Although sometimes it’s just so heavy… you don’t go anywhere. You stay stuck.
Because of that ball and chain.
Because of that imagined ball and chain.
What’s your ball and chain belief?
That thing you believe to be true about YOU… about your ability to achieve your goal that’s based purely on past experiences?
We ALL have them.
I was reminded of one of mine recently when I visited my parents. Family are good at reminding you of how you used to be… for better or worse. If it’s for worse then it’s your responsibility to NOT take on their ineffective, unsupportive old beliefs.
WOW, I’m in Wednesday rant mode it seems! Let’s introduce todays show before I continue my roll (!) today: Stop Allowing Past Experiences To Define You.
Now, back to those ineffective, unsupportive, old ball and chain beliefs… very likely your family – friends – yourself do not mean any harm by them. The thing to consider, to ideally consider RIGHT NOW in relation to the ball and chain belief you have at top of mind: IS THE BELIEF SERVING YOU?
As mum reminded me when she was looking at some recent videos I did. “Katie, I just can’t believe you’re doing this. You were always so shy. You HATE the camera. Let alone video.”
Now if you check out any of my videos you’ll likely see I’m still not in love with video. I really don’t have much affection for the camera either. However, at least I don’t sneak away or in desperation pull my ugliest face ever in the hope someone wouldn’t take a photo.
Note to my fellow non-photo-friendly-friends: Pulling an ugly face never dissuades someone from click, Click CLICKING… it simply results in many ugly photos!
What changed?
I decided being PAINFULLY DEBILITATINGLY SHY was not serving me.
I also admitted in my industry – in the career I love – photo’s and gulp – even video are necessary.
I committed to getting better at both. To ALSO being ok – not joyously happy but OK – with having versions of both out there in the world even before I like them.
Basically I decided to break the ball and chain belief and to stop allowing past experiences to define me and to limit my future RESULTS.
That is 100% your choice too.
Let’s make this applicable to Body Gain. To follow the format I often fall back on and that is: FUEL (everything food), MOVE (everything exercise), LIFE (everything time).
3 Areas To Stop Allowing Past Experiences To Define You:
One: FUEL. Perhaps your ball and chain belief is that…
=> You’re a lousy Cook.
=> Cooking stunning desserts and indulgent meals is how you show your love.
=> ALL healthy food is bland and boring / expensive / tedious and time-consuming.
Two: MOVE. Perhaps your ball and chain belief is that…
=> You can never be consistent with exercise.
=> Lifting weights makes you big and chunky.
=> ALL gyms are intimidating / full of self-obsessed people with nothing better to do / smelly, sweaty and just UN-fun.
Three: LIFE. Perhaps your ball and chain belief is that…
=> You’ll never be the type of person to make time for you and put yourself first.
=> A schedule and habits are restrictive and make you feel trapped and miserable.
=> EVERYTHING involved in a healthy lifestyle is so complicated / confusing / overwhelming that it’s easiest to just not start.
Perhaps some of these examples jump out at you. Hopefully they prompt you to think of some of your own.
The thing is, whatever belief you have based on a past experience: If it’s not currently bringing you the results, the lifestyle you’d most love than you’ve got to let it go.
It’s all about what works. What brings results. Even if something worked in the past. Even if others define you based on how you were in the past… What you believe today and subsequently what you experience tomorrow is up to you.
In short. The thing is: It’s NOT just the way you are.
To get actionable today: First, Decide on the old ball and chain belief that is not serving you.
Next, Commit to getting better at the habits that will support your new belief.
Regarding those habits, in case you missed it in the #319 show I shared my: 4 Step Habit Mastering Framework. It’s worth checking out.
That’s it for me today. Thanks so very much for spending this time with me. I hope you can join me for the Friday show where I’m covering: How To Beat LAZY.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Will Power: 6 Steps to Build Your Self Control Muscle. (part 1.)
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